Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [pers pn] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 What about like contraception should be integral part of it , and abortion and the options open to you , but I think it 's very important that we are taught it , we 're taught it in a heterosexual basis , and that 's just not the case , and that just alienates people any more , really more from a very early age .
2 I may never know it in this world but I shall be told it in the next .
3 We have done some work with your offices on that , and whilst on most of your activities are n't happy with er the scale of such that it does cause me a problem , there is one particular area that we are in discussion with the Chief Executive , and your offices relating to doing work for other bodies to and the contract vehicle hire service , and er , that 's something which we will and no doubt will be brought us in the very near future .
4 If people want to better themselves , they are entitled to enjoy this sort of instruction : it should not be denied them in a civilised society .
5 However , the body of the report was accepted by the Americans , who if they needed any further confirmation were given it in the form of a 72 per cent failure rate among recently qualified army medical officers who had been given a questionnaire on the venereal diseases and their control .
6 Previous verbosely titled flops had been Oh Dad , Poor Dad , Mamma 's Hung You in the Closet and I 'm Feelin' So Sad ( which also had Barbara Harris in it ) and Can Heironymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness ?
7 " Well … something 's put her in a bad form … "
8 he 's left her in the car .
9 As you can see , so far six hundred organizations have registered with us and what we 've done is put them in a rather , rather flash booklet and the idea is that youngsters , their parents , teachers , youth leaders , scout leaders , anybody , gets hold of one of these booklets and in it , it tells them how to go sailing .
10 The only thing I 'm asking you to do is put them in the diary now .
11 All he wants to do is put you in a cage . ’
12 Yeah , I think he did er , Rumpole was put him in the big time really .
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