Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] a [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 The presumption of innocence has not been toppled ; rather , it has been corroded by a series of laws on alcohol and tobacco , football hooliganism , drugs , videos and even badgers .
2 His father , Philip Henry Thomas , had distinguished himself in a Civil Service Examination ( Executive Branch ) and had been posted to a staff clerkship for light railways and tramways at the Board of Trade .
3 The problem for companies like ICI is that while the transitional arrangements last , the power suppliers frequently can not bid for their custom because the suppliers are limited to a 15% slice of the REC 's business , rising to 25% in 1994 .
4 In this climate , the idea of planning gain has been floated as a means of reconciling development and conservation by making a ‘ green ’ component , such a nature reserve , a necessary condition for permitting a development scheme to go ahead .
5 In this case the disapproval has been registered with a $100 billion fall in the stockmarket value of healthcare companies since last summer — even as markets have headed towards new records .
6 how could that have been developed among a people whose public granaries were crammed with provisions and whose public officials were authorized to distribute them in case of need ?
7 The People 's Democratic Republic of Yemen became independent in 1967 as the People 's Republic of Southern Yemen , comprising Aden , which had been under British rule since 1839 , and the former Protectorate of South Arabia , which had been developed by a series of treaties between the United Kingdom and local leaders .
8 At their next meeting instructions had been given for a rendezvous .
9 The acetylcholine sweat spot test was carried out injecting 0.1 ml of a 1% solution of acetylcholine ( Miochol — CooperVision Ltd , Southampton , UK ) intradermally using a 25 gauge needle in a marked area of the dorsum of the foot which had previously been painted with a 2% alcholic iodine solution and a suspension of maize starch in arachis oil ( 100 g in 100 ml ) .
10 The process is so effective that by the time the molecules reach the top of the outer tube , they are arranged in a series of concentric rings , each representing one type of molecule or cell .
11 Most of these homelands are not even single stretches of territory , but are formed from a series of pockets of land interspersed among white areas .
12 The foreground hills are formed from a series of small intrusions that were precursors of the main granite , which forms the higher ground of Lochnagar .
13 The sample movements are traced as a series of oscillations whose frequency is a function of the physical state of the sample .
14 The Hiss case came to a climax at a moment when the confidence of Americans in the strength of their world position had been shaken by a series of events abroad .
15 The leopard has been listed as a species in danger of extinction since CITES was concluded in Washington 10 years ago , which is why you do not , or at least should not , see leopard skin coats and hats in London 's expensive fur shops .
16 Enhancing Germany 's attraction as a criminal playground , hundreds of bureaucrats , local government officials and policemen have recently been exposed in a series of nationwide corruption trials .
17 Pilots have complained that airlines force them to work long hours , new jets are being grounded or sent back to the manufacturers for modification , and the government has been attacked for a series of embarrassing lapses at major airports .
18 We are caught in a series of mimeses which push Burbank into the focus of ritual , his actions sliding imperceptibly into reactions to and reenactments of a past rite whose origins we can never witness .
19 OMON troops had been blamed for a series of attacks on over 20 Baltic border posts over the previous few months .
20 Thesaurus terms are grouped under a series of category headings which correspond to the main subfields within the area covered by the thesaurus .
21 He has been booked for a series .
22 This politics matters and has been addressed by a series of locality studies , notably that of Dickens et al.
23 The rocks have been tectonised in a series of north-east trending shear zones as described by Munro ( 1986 ) .
24 THE Queen 's showpiece meeting at Ascot next week has been rescued by a £1 million loan made up of money deducted from betting shop punters .
25 The atmosphere , oceans and landsurfaces are considered as a series of cascading systems connected by flows of mass or energy .
26 The referendum had been preceded by a series of mass pro-Assad demonstrations in Damascus , the capital , and other cities .
27 The Security Council debate had been preceded by a series of statements by and an exchange of letters between de Klerk and Mandela in which each stated their terms for the resumption of constitutional talks .
28 She did not deserve in that tiny viewing room to have been stabbed by a pair of scissors through the heart .
29 A psychiatrist who helped former hostages to overcome their ordeal has been presented with a People of the Year award .
30 BASIC DATA Relations between the European Communities ( EC ) and 68 developing countries from Africa , the Caribbean and the Pacific ( the ACP countries ) are regulated by a series of agreements on economic assistance and trade .
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