Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [noun sg] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Earth 's own magnetic field has a pulse frequency of 10 Hz ( 10 pulses/second ) and it has been found that if patients are placed in magnetic fields of around 10 Hz , or are given electro-acupuncture at 10 Hz , healing can be speeded up .
2 Both also point out that " different " does not mean " less effective " when comparing the ways in which meaning intentions are given expression through grammatical forms , vocabulary and pronunciation .
3 For each of us ( it is said ) our lives are given sense by certain projects , whether it be that of being a certain sort of person , or of achieving something in such fields as the political , or cultural , or in our personal relations .
4 This is to say that linguistic ( as well as social ) activities become significant because they are given significance by all participants — not only the " speaker " .
5 The " game " is one in which the people on the outside are given responsibility for those on the inside , crossing the circle with their eyes closed .
6 Yet there has been sustained pressure from two political directions to do so .
7 The lighting and keeping of the hearth fire have always been given significance in human culture ; the Greeks named their goddess of the hearth Hestia , later to be replaced by the Roman Vesta , whose handmaidens were the famous Vestal Virgins .
8 Several Bosnian families have already been given shelter in this country until the fighting at home is over .
9 It was reported on June 17 that he had been given responsibility for local government , while other responsibilities were redistributed between deputy premiers .
10 The loneliness many older people experience has been given respectability by certain social theories which either seek to give , or are interpreted as , an explanation for the isolation of older people .
11 Erm in short Adam had been given erm lordship over the earth and all its creatures and with that he 'd been given lordship over all human beings and the kings of this earth have inherited that lordship , that dominion .
12 The founders include the Russian Museum which , following a decision by the mayor 's office , has been given control of three of St Petersburg 's palaces : the Marble Palace , a monument to early Russian classicism , the Mikhayl ( Engineer ) Castle and the Stroganov Palace , built by the architect Rastrelli .
13 Like the polished wood that covered surfaces that would have been painted metal in any other car …
14 During that time BP has held a small interest in offshore block 8 and has been designated operator for onshore Cabinda Central block , where operations have been suspended for security reasons .
15 In some circumstances , the course of the trial will be such that a witness whose affidavit has been received will after all be required to attend for cross-examination ; this applies no less to witnesses abroad as to those within the jurisdiction .
16 The cases which have been considered fall into several categories , but the most important distinction is between simple and complex cases .
17 Y'know that some kinds of activity are considered sort of acceptable and others are n't y'know .
18 Even expensive marines , like Parrotfish , are considered food in many countries .
19 A number of acts of development are granted consent by two Statutory Instruments issued under the 1971 Act .
20 This is the first time the ABRC 's report has not been made public in recent years .
21 Rescheduling of such debts has become a necessity for the private banks , and a practice which has emerged is that new agreements have been made conditional on such countries accepting the stringent programmes of the IMF which are intended to promote effective adjustment of a country 's balance of payments and ensure that the use of Fund resources is temporary .
22 The new commitment has been made conditional on other countries taking similar action , which was interpreted by analysts as a reference to the United States , which has thus far refused to agree to reduction targets .
23 In the context of a petrol station , the risk-averse are offered a salary plus a small performance bonus for running the station , whereas the less risk-averse are offered petrol at wholesale price and are free to decide how to behave .
24 Rubella ( German measles ) can cause devastating damage to the fetus in early pregnancy and girls who have not had an attack of this disease by the age of puberty are offered immunisation against this virus so that any baby conceived would be protected , although this should soon be rare in the UK because from 1988 , MMR ( measles , mumps , rubella ) protection has been available to all infants .
25 if you are offered payment for any outside activity undertaken as a result of your employment in the ES or for any invention developed during your employment with the ES ;
26 Having been offered shelter by one of the Armstrongs , Hector of Hardlaw , whom he had helped some years previously , he was treacherously handed over to the Earl of Moray , Regent of Scotland since Mary 's enforced abdication .
27 All staff concerned have been offered redeployment at other stores or a financial settlement .
28 MOTORISTS have been promised relief at last from long motorway journeys without a loo stop .
29 ‘ As you are fully aware , we have been promised delivery of all the office equipment on the fifth , two days from now .
30 After all , had n't he been consecrated bishop in 1880 , the year of Jack the Ripper ?
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