Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] the number " in BNC.

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1 These are calculated from the number of students registered for each module together with its size , single or double , rather than from class hours .
2 If , if anybody is interested , these unemployment rates are calculated by the number of unemployed as a percentage of the estimated total of the workforce , the sum of the unemployed claimants , employees , and call it self-employed , H M Forces and participants in work related training programmes .
3 Earnings per ordinary share have been calculated on the number of shares in issue during the relevant financial periods , after taking into account the number of shares issued in the merger with Model Manufacturing Ltd , as if the merger had been effective throughout these periods .
4 Although much attention has focused on the number of people out of work in recent years , less attention has been given to the number of family members who are also affected .
5 A positive correlation has indeed been reported between the number of prescriptions for psychotropic drugs issued by general practitioners in England and Wales and the rate of deliberate self-poisoning , and it has been estimated that a reduction of 1000 psychotropic prescriptions would be associated with 3.8 fewer admissions as a result of deliberate self-poisoning ( Forster and Frost 1985 ) .
6 Cursor movement ( or direction ) keys are located in the number pad at the right of the keyboard ( or in a cluster of direction keys to the left of the number pad ) and in the function key pad ( see page 6 ) .
7 My Lords , the , the point made by the Noble Lord is that it is an important one erm it is important that teachers do feel comfortable with this subject and to that end the erm grant for education support and training is making money available and religious education has been added to the number of subjects for which it can be made available to help with er improving specialisms in schools , but also pr improving co-ordination for religious education in schools .
8 A spokesman said they had been overwhelmed by the number of applications when the new disability living benefit was announced and said it had taken longer than anticipated to sort out .
9 Too often the student and her capabilities are matched to the number of stars and stripes she has on her uniform .
10 For example , government expenditure on unemployment benefits is related to the number of people out of work ; state pensions are related to the number of people over retirement age ; and taxation receipts are influenced by the incomes of the community ( via direct taxes ) and by prices ( via indirect taxes ) .
11 There had been bad and costly muddles in the early days of the war ; agriculture had been disrupted by the number of peasants called to the colours , and eventually some had had to be returned to the fields ; the great Renault motor works was closed down , all but for a small shop making stretchers — motor vehicles evidently being considered a luxury with little application to the war effort .
12 Team matches are decided on the number of bouts won by each side .
13 If the results are corrected for the number of alleles screened , the significance of the reported associations disappears .
14 Erm organs are classified by the number of stops they have or something , is n't it ?
15 They do however still have a lower boundary at zero , and the whole distribution is very lop-sided ; outcomes with probabilities less than evens are squashed into the number range 0 to 1 , whereas probabilities above evens can range from 1 to infinity .
16 Some are based on the number of dies occurring with only one specimen , the number with two , the number with three , and so on .
17 Many of the complaints relate to ‘ copy plan ’ agreements under which charges are based on the number of copies made .
18 The proportions of the mix in the Reagan/Brezhnev head are based on the number of nuclear warheads in each leader 's arsenal .
19 The figures are based on the number of people claiming state benefits because they are unemployed , thus excluding those people who are unemployed and yet not claiming such social-security or unemployment-benefit payments .
20 Similarly credits earned on exchange or by credit transfer ( normally a maximum of four exchange credits are allowed ) are counted towards the number of credits required for an award but the marks are not used for the purposes of classification .
21 As a student about to graduate , I am saddened by the number of my colleagues who can see their future only in high-salaried financial management .
22 If clarification requests are divided into just two categories , potential ( being those categories where the listener actively contributes to the negotiation by introducing new information ) , and simple ( the remaining categories ) , and these are set against the number of inadequate messages produced , a number of interesting findings emerges .
23 Head teachers ' salaries are linked to the number of pupils in their school .
24 As with heads , their salaries are linked to the number of pupils in the school .
25 This needs to be incremented by the number of unused pages you are lacking , so in this example we need to add to our total global pages count , giving us a new required total of 4050 .
26 The amount each local authority receives is likely to be calculated on the number of people in each area who are on the Poll Tax Register .
27 His consolation has to be that although she is , as an ideal , constantly changing , ‘ yet she dies only when the race of men is dead — then to be gathered to the number of the Gods . ’
28 The mass of the PFM is unknown and therefore the abundances are not to be regarded as the number of atoms per kilogramme of PFM , 20 Ne being arbitrarily placed at 10 22 atoms per kilogramme to facilitate comparison with the graphs for the planets .
29 a number can be placed in the Number box .
30 a number can be placed in the Number box .
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