Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [adj] time [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Special considerations : the appellant had been diagnosed some time previously as HIV positive and more recently AIDS had developed .
2 A lot of erm group one plans are , there are about ten thousand plans that are showing an arrears status at the moment , and premium has been missed some time ago , it 's not a , not a current premium , which means on the fifteenth of June or the first of July we will automatically go in and pick up two premiums , we 'll t we 'll try and collect the arrears without having notified the client of it in any way at all .
3 The boat had been bought some time earlier but had been abandoned due to decay and damage .
4 I am delighted that we will continue that process under my right hon. Friends the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State in the new Parliament which will be formed some time late next spring or in the summer .
5 Erm ironically after I wrote erm the letter was typed on Monday erm to Mr Mr the only lights that have been fixed since are the ones at the end of my street and the next street not as I complained about ones on the main road erm there 's an example that 's been going on for many months where a problem , an acknowledged problem of access existed which was the reason for delay but that as I understand it has been overcome some time ago now and it 's still there , this is a group of seven lights together , the lot , erm these lights are still out , they 're not in my ward in fact , they 're just .
6 The list had obviously been printed some time before .
7 The tree has been removed some time since .
8 But Hygeberht had been demoted some time before .
9 This photograph , of a doctor , was one that had been taken some time previously to illustrate an article on long hours worked by junior doctors .
10 To pursue the question put by the hon. and learned Member for Fife , North-East ( Mr. Campbell ) , the Secretary of State will be aware that the long lead orders for the four Trident submarines were placed some time ago and that construction is quite well advanced .
11 In nineteen eighty three from nineteen fifty three after thirty years of making cheese , they changed his job , I think many of you are ahead of me already , he said I was given a job change and I began working in landscaping , how nice while being interviewed some time ago I was asked what I thought about being giving a job change after thirty years of making cheese and he said well it did n't bother me , I noted , frankly because I did n't like making cheese anyway
12 Some of the others were wounded some time ago .
13 It is now diminishing as metric sizes were adopted some time ago .
14 No they 've been banned from taking them in in case they clobbered anyone with them you see oh they were banned some time ago , as were flags they used to carry flags at one time and rattles , but er they do n't let you take anything in .
15 One of these is that it is easier to do the sum if one deals with histories in what is called imaginary time rather than in ordinary , real time .
16 ‘ It was arranged some time ago . ’
17 In this case , the meeting was arranged some time ago .
18 Although the London conference was arranged some time ago it became an opportunity for the princess to deliver her pledge in a speech re-written in the past day or two .
19 Unfortunately we were not able to meet all the requirements for County support and it was decided some time ago that we would go ahead with an experimental opening without it .
20 BOSS ME-6 & ME-10 BOSS 's success in the effects pedal market was expanded some time ago with the introduction of the ME-5 and BE-5 multipedals .
21 She was awakened some time later by the sound of Fen 's voice and his hand briefly shaking her by the shoulder .
22 A group of antigens capable of stimulating a strong mixed lymphocyte reaction between mice of the same MHC haplotype was recognised some time ago , and these were termed minor lymphocyte stimulating ( Mls ) determinants .
23 He was woken some time later by being kicked in the backside quite painfully .
24 But I do know that the real Louise Müller was removed some time ago so that you could take her place . ’
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