Example sentences of "be [adv] [to-vb] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Y'know , I mean you 're here to do speech therapy .
2 They 'll be there to see airc raft from around the world at one of the summer 's biggest airshows .
3 It was more than Phil could bear to think that he would never again be there to make Christmas sparkle for her .
4 It was said that the poet Shelley had been here to sail paper boats .
5 3 of the youngest journalists around are here to have Telegraph editor Max Hastings cast a critical eye over their school paper ; the Ann Cam Citizen .
6 Yet the cumulative effect of the revolution of 1905 , mounting social tension and the clamour of public criticism had been precisely to undermine government confidence and authority .
7 We talk about scaleability if we are indeed to entice mainframe style applications towards the open systems platforms then we need to behilosophy as a truly worldwide supplier of accounting software is th software components with a low entry cost .
8 Loose coupling relations are there to make quality assurance inspections practicable .
9 He trained at the Central School of Art and Design , but never graduated , joining instead a group of frustrated designers , which included such budding innovationists as Mary Quant and Laura Ashley , who , like Conran himself , were eventually to become household names .
10 The ensuing debate , however , does little credit to the Mendelians , the more bigoted of whom refused even to believe in the existence of the pads despite the eye-witness testimony of a number of biologists who were later to become household names in their own rights — a list of eye-witnesses that includes British biologists as diverse in their biological contributions as J. B , S. Haldane , W. H. Thorpe , L. Harrison Matthews and G. E. Hutchinson .
11 I replied gently that we were there to describe building plans and had no involvement in North Sea Gas .
12 Though done with the intention of establishing a virile , distinctive presence , the effect is usually to reduce shopping centres to an unprecedented level of blandness and monotony .
13 This is temporarily to impose deposit requirements on institutions that take open positions in foreign exchange .
14 The company is also to market Silicon Graphics Inc 's 50–100MHz RW450 workstation using the Irix V.4 operating system .
15 The purpose of field artillery is both to destroy enemy assaults and to support one 's own infantry as it attacks .
16 Simplest procedure is often to employ law agents for the purpose , writing to them some such letter as this : Messrs Scrivener & Tipstaff , Law Agents .
17 A campaign costing five hundred million pounds over three years is underway to combat credit card fraud which cost companies more than a hundred and sixty-five million pounds last year .
18 The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association is here to gain background information on local government in the UK as part of its 42nd parliamentary seminar programme .
19 If , for example , the idea is simply to produce text files that can then be passed on disk to a typesetting bureau you 'll probably need no more equipment than a basic word processing system .
20 Her role is simply to assist union members in taking certain specified types of legal action against their trade union .
21 Santa Cruz is accordingly to offer software developers interested in Pentium an advanced technology release programme that includes an early-release version of the Santa Cruz Optimising C Compiler , designed to generate binaries taking advantage of the forthcoming Intel chip , and also run on the 80486 .
22 SCO is accordingly to offer software developers interested in Pentium an advanced technology release program that includes an early-release version of the SCO Optimising C Compiler , designed to generate binaries taking advantage of the forthcoming Intel chip , and also run on the 486 .
23 Since the rail network has plenty of spare capacity and is environmentally more benign , the logical solution is either to subsidise rail fares , which the present government is obviously unwilling to do , or to increase the cost of motoring to the point where rail has the advantage ( and since rail is sometimes less convenient , it needs the edge on price ) .
24 We 've seen training , there have been four major steps for training and the first of which is actually to identify training needs .
25 De Klerk 's response to the Harms report was effectively to exonerate Defence Minister Gen. Magnus Malan ( held by the Harms report to be " politically responsible " for the existence of the CCB ) from all responsibility for the activities of the discredited CCB , declaring that the report 's findings belonged to a past era , and there was " no reason to condemn the politicians in charge for the way in which they carried out their duties " .
26 These intermedii with their mixture of styles and resources , differing from earlier sixteenth-century dramatic or festive ones only in their lavishness , were not yet opera but they were the most important harbinger of opera , which just because of that mixture was gradually to supplant church music as the very heart of European music and hence establish Italian pre-eminence throughout the continent .
27 Robert Southey ( 1774–1843 ) who was later to become poet laureate , discovered the medieval Chronica del Cid during his childhood in Spain , and later made a translation which became something of a best-seller in the nineteenth century .
28 Erm , it 's only general filling er , and it was mainly to develop assertiveness skills and confidence in putting forward your own ideas .
29 Bobby Robson was there to assess World Cup candidates , but nothing positive emerged from 90 minutes of scuffling that made one almost yearn for the more measured boredom of Rangers ' European Cup exit in Munich three days earlier .
30 The aim of the course was primarily to train Health Educators , who in turn can train others in hospitals , schools and communities , reducing the risk of further infection .
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