Example sentences of "be [adv] [vb pp] within [art] " in BNC.

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1 If graded tests are widely adopted within a school and if they are used properly as a means of assessing individual pupils ' ability and knowledge , according to their progress along the path of expertise , then the school must be prepared for classes that are grouped vertically , not horizontally .
2 These are widely distributed within the region .
3 Voorhoeve had been widely criticized within the party for the decision to withdraw support from the previous CDA-VVD coalition in May 1989 , which precipitated the early election and a serious setback for the VVD .
4 Chlorophyll , the green pigment that actually captures the Sun 's energy , is contained in tiny ‘ organelles ’ known as chloroplasts ; and these are mostly arranged within the mesoderm cells .
5 Grappling with this problem has led us to reject a sharp either/or dichotomy in terms of innate versus cultural , and instead to posit the existence in human beings of innate potentialities and capacities — as well as innate constraints — that may be turned to peaceful as much as to warlike ends , potentialities and capacities that are necessarily set within the particularity of a moral and semantic universe .
6 It turns out that the 13C atoms are randomly distributed within the football .
7 In family and marriage literature women are entirely encapsulated within the feminine role .
8 ( a ) One solution ( which assumes such destinations are sparsely scattered within the instruction stream ) is to force instructions which are jump destinations to be on word boundaries ; this is the method used on the CDC 6600 computer .
9 A characteristic example exists at Irchester , where none of the three main roads thought to focus on the site has been conclusively located within the settlement ( fig. 40 ) .
10 The main cytochromes P450 participating in the metabolism of xenobiotics are families 1 , 2 , and 3 , which are promarily located within the liver , although specific forms of cytochrome P450 are expressed in particular extrahepatic tissues .
11 The fans are normally situated within the carbonate mud wedge ( Fig. 15 ) and consist of a succession of graded oolitic and pelletoidal grainstones , interbedded with carbonate mudstones .
12 PPP can approve claims , often before treatment has actually begun — and claims are normally settled within a week .
13 The main reason is that — though some problems are local and are best studied that way — many others ( even involving a limited geographical extent ) are best understood within a global framework .
14 For one distinguished American musicologist , the decision of some English scholars and musicians to draw the secular polyphony of Machaut and Dufay into the English a cappella tradition constitutes an ‘ English a cappella heresy ’ , but that phrase may sound rather strangely in a British ear ; it appears to imply that songs by Machaut and Dufay , for example , are best performed within the tradition of the ‘ early-music group , employing instruments reconstructed on the basis of meagre evidence while using musical techniques which draw upon no established tradition of pedagogy and which retain a tinge of 19605 experimentalism and superficial multiculturalism .
15 It spends most of its time tinkering with the edges of budget totals which are largely determined within the corporations and the military .
16 However , for the present , these characteristics are largely contained within the stifling constraints of the music industry 's commodity forms .
17 7.2 Records of accidents are already kept within the Department ( Form 2508 ) .
18 A different mechanism has been suggested for those viruses that are already enclosed within a membrane in their free-living state .
19 It is scarcely possible , in the face of this legislation , to maintain that ‘ rights ’ are a privilege with which none but human beings can be invested ; for if some animals are already included within the pale of protection , why should not more and more be so included in the future ? ( 1922 : 5 )
20 He advises organisations to go for proven and well understood technologies to meet their basic requirements , wherever possible using architectures which are already known within the company — even if different technologies have been implemented on top .
21 As previously noted , banks can increase the total volume of spending in the economy by their credit-creating capacity while non-bank financial institutions can merely borrow and lend funds which have been already created within the banking system .
22 The property has been electrically rewired within the last twelve months .
23 The process of counting is a proficient one and a sufficient number of results are usually announced within a few hours of the close of the polls to know which party has won the election .
24 Moreover , as the ILO ( 1974 ) points out , although many aspects of collective bargaining are usually discussed within the confines of specific national contexts , comparative analysis can provide important insights into the operation of collective bargaining and the ways in which different systems respond and adapt both in convergent and divergent ways to the environmental changes generated within modern societies .
25 The system is best at coping with ad hoc requests and these are usually processed within a 24 hour period at the maximum , usually a much shorter period .
26 ( Many would argue that , since the fixed costs of change are large , it is only significant departures that are usually considered within the political process . )
27 Most deaf people are still educated within a system which has at its base a language that is , at best , not fully accessible because it is based on hearing ; at worst , it is a language which is completely alien and does not adequately describe deaf experience .
28 The cylindrical rooms which are logically formed within the tower at several levels are usually of quite small diameter — indeed , decreasing diameter the nearer they are to the top of the tower .
29 Communications are also enhanced within the organization when budgets are compared periodically with actual expenditure .
30 It does mean , however , that the material has been carefully constructed within a narrative framework , with a clear purpose in mind and with recognizable objectives on the part of the author or editor .
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