Example sentences of "be [adv] [vb pp] from [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Antarctic insects and mites have been widely collected from stations that include some of the world 's southernmost outcrops .
2 It has been accidently transferred from animals to man and has been experimentally transmitted from man to calves and mice .
3 Votes are successively transferred from candidates who have a surplus of votes over and above the quota and from candidates excluded as having the smallest number of votes in the relevant count .
4 They are best grown from cuttings taken in summer , potted up in early spring and hardened off carefully before planting out in late May .
5 Gardeners and odd job are best found from noticeboards and by word of mouth .
6 Braitenberg says these internal connections are of two kinds : local interconnections of about 1 mm , which are largely derived from collaterals of axons leaving one region of neocortex and carrying messages elsewhere ; and long-range , distant connections carried by the axons I have just mentioned .
7 Inferences about mind are thus made from descriptions .
8 Models are thus constructed from volumes built from nodes , edges and surfaces and can represent such free-form bodies as , found typically in the automobile and aircraft industries .
9 Stone icons are preferably carved from stones found in rocky , mountainous areas , or when not available those existing at ground level are selected .
10 But when it is discovered that a substance harms women 's reproductive health , women of childbearing age are usually kept from jobs that might expose them to it .
11 Parties are usually distinguished from groups by their intention to seek control of the main offices of government .
12 For example , ( 43 ) is matched by ( 45 ) , not ( 44 ) : ( 43 ) frogs croak ( 44 ) croak frogs ( 45 ) croaking frogs Adjectives in English are also distinguished from verbs by the separate peculiarity ( already implied ) that in assignment they must be accompanied by a form of be which carries tense , and which more importantly helps to mark the relation .
13 Andy Toman and Steve Mardenborough are also recovered from injuries .
14 Requests are often received from Doctors , Hospitals , Social Workers , or from a friend or neighbour who knows of someone who may benefit from the service .
15 Applications are now invited from scientists under 40 years of age for travel during the period 1 June 1992 to 31 May 1993 .
16 In any one hectare of tropical forest you may find trees of one hundred different types and each individual may be widely separated from others of the same species .
17 Thus ready-formed vitamins and proteins could be absorbed without them having to be laboriously manufactured from gases , other minerals , or light energy .
18 Millimetre wave lie between infrared and radio ( adjacent to the far infrared or ‘ sub-millimetre ’ wavelengths ) , and because of absorption in the atmosphere will be best studied from satellites .
19 A good example is Augustus , who changed his type of portrait in response to his changing political circumstances ( see also p. 39 ) , and these changes can be approximately dated from coins ( fig. 17 ) .
20 Taxation will be gradually shifted from things we want more of — income , savings and value added — to the things we want less of : pollution and resource depletion .
21 Becoming old and frail can be distressing ; to be also isolated from relatives and friends seems dire .
22 In turn , this implied that deviants should exhibit a ‘ gap ’ between their conventional aspirations and expectations , and should be clearly differentiated from non-deviants by their adherence to oppositional values ( neither of which turned out to be the case ) .
23 The main requirement is for each degree of differentiation to be clearly demarcated from others in the eyes of buyers and for each firm to be the lowest-cost producer within each category .
24 they may be clearly demarcated from men ; and
25 This can be well illustrated from burials .
26 The energy spectrum of atmospheric turbulence persists down to the smallest scales , and to trap the maximum amount of energy the valves must be as small and numerous as possible , The payload of Daedalus 's new craft will be conventionally suspended from cords around its rim .
27 Sleepers should be chosen that are as clean as possible and can usually be readily obtained from advertisements in " Exchange and Mart " or " Farmers Weekly " .
28 The accused is able to assume an air of absolute innocence , and no matter what harm he has done to another human being , sometimes appalling injury , he frequently appears to be completely insulated from qualms of conscience .
29 Often they are simply excluded from studies , on the grounds that ‘ race ’ variations will distort findings .
30 Yet the caterpillars of a few species are well protected from predators ; they are highly distasteful , possessing a coat of irritant hairs , while others bear spines and venom .
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