Example sentences of "be [adv] [vb pp] to be " in BNC.

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1 The time may well arrive — indeed , that process is now under way — when the notion of the supremacy of the institutions of the Community and the primacy of Community law have become so firmly established that they are widely acknowledged to be a feature of the United Kingdom 's constitutional landscape .
2 Both Mrs Thatcher and Mr Kinnock are widely perceived to be liabilities to their parties .
3 Quasars are widely believed to be the cores of young galaxies .
4 The Dutch are widely expected to be the first to try it .
5 Winner of the South African Grand Prix on Sunday , Prost had been widely expected to be banned for one or more races or heavily fined .
6 The nursing home to which her husband has her committed after her eccentricity has become dangerous , and from which she and the other residents are eventually ejected to be cared for by an amorphous ‘ community ’ , might have been lying in wait for her from the day she was born .
7 I have noticed in this puritan America of ours that beautiful women are rarely permitted to be clever .
8 Not surprisingly , different viewpoints have emerged over the range of activities which can be justified under the name of academic freedom , over the kinds of threat which are most felt to be present , over the circumstances in which appeal can be made to academic freedom , and over the justifications which academics employ to claim a right to ‘ academic freedom ’ .
9 We are greatly honoured to be allowed to participate in this celebration .
10 This is not an immutable law , but the correlation has been sufficiently demonstrated to be a valuable guide .
11 In the Arctic , few northern polar taxa are sufficiently differentiated to be called endemic species .
12 Since neither its eyes nor its ears are sufficiently developed to be functional at this stage , it probably finds its way to the pouch by smell .
13 Articles are research reports whose conclusions are of general interest and which are sufficiently rounded to be a substantial advance in understanding , They should not have more than 3,000 words ow text ( not including figure legends ) or more than six display items and should not occupy more than five pages of Nature .
14 Once legislative proposals are sufficiently advanced to be put to Ministers for endorsement they will go before the Legislation Committee of the Cabinet which must give its approval before a place is found in the programme .
15 I am obviously considered to be in need of some help .
16 In the three examples given at the beginning , having to do with the sound of the traffic , the windscreen wipers , and the warm left knee , a cause and each condition are naturally taken to be required for the effect , as distinct from alternatively required .
17 The suggestions for when to seek advice in the following sections are only intended to be guidelines to help you decide when you need to call on the expert help of your health care practitioner .
18 The suggestions for when to seek advice in the following sections are only intended to be guidelines to help you decide when you need to call on the expert help of your health care practitioner .
19 . The patched lines on the plan which you have in front of you erm are only intended to be indicative .
20 Many collars , sprays and powders are only claimed to be effective against fleas .
21 Their requirements may be similar to those of others , but at present the vast majority of goods and services on offer are only designed to be user-friendly for fit , athletic members of MENSA !
22 He had been so determined to be ungullible , city-wise that perhaps he had gone too far in the other direction , and so read a threat in everything the big city had to offer .
23 ‘ James , I wo n't tell you again — this is not our country , we are merely permitted to be here by its citizens .
24 These do not meet the sentencing requirement but are nevertheless deemed to be arrestable offences .
25 Some properties of individuals are nevertheless held to be more significant than others .
26 People are normally considered to be risk-averse over amounts of the order of magnitude of their incomes .
27 Unfortunately for his thesis , women , who are normally thought to be more intuitive than men , have on average less spatial ability , while spatial ability is more important for scientific thinking than is verbal ability .
28 CD4+ T cells are normally held to be the principal source of this mediator and the higher proportion of γ-interferon producing cells we found among lamina propria lymphocytes compared with intra epithelial lymphocytes is consistent with the relative numbers of CD4+ T cells in these sites .
29 They are normally found to be divided into two very unequal parts .
30 Wages for unskilled labour were the lowest , being significantly below even shop workers who are generally recognised to be among the most intensely exploited ( except that their hours were much longer ) .
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