Example sentences of "be [adv] [vb pp] [noun pl] to " in BNC.

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1 The risks have been somewhat reduced thanks to the 1992 Cheques Act which shifts responsibility to the banks provided all safeguards have been taken .
2 I therefore propose that Coopers and Lybrand be and are hereby appointed auditors to the company , to hold office from the conclusion of this meeting until the conclusion of the next meeting er , of the company at which accounts are laid for the company in accordance with section two four one Companies Act Nineteen Eighty Five and that their remuneration for this period be fixed by the directors .
3 Whether ther there 's a there 's a t two pronged effect the first of which is that high tariffs consumption because prices are higher and therefore consumption will fall and secondly , if high prices are also charged farmers to domestic farmers right then they 'll increase their output .
4 The introduction of foreign players to Irish teams is not new but the flood has been severely curtailed thanks to the IRFU 's three-month probation period , a new ruling brought in at the end of last season .
5 There have been well documented delays to SuperSparc and Sun has apparently built two crystals into its Mbus motherboards so that customers can upgrade their processor modules with higher clock-rate parts as they trickle on to the market , without having to dicker with clock timing and synchronisation .
6 From the same stable , come two rather different products , both of which conform to the National Curriculum and are well presented additions to the fast improving library of educational software available for the PC : —
7 It is not altogether improbable that the moveables of the gentry were often undervalued thanks to some lingering influence of fourteenth-century tax rules , which exempted articles such as jewellery and armour which dignified their rank .
8 He 's also designed modifications to gliders which allow other disabled people to fly .
9 The story of the Home Guard is well known thanks to ‘ Dad 's Army , ’ but it is nevertheless an amazing tale .
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