Example sentences of "be [adv] [noun sg] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For example , despite her attachment to an extra-textual and pre-linguistic domain of mental activity , Nathalie Sarraute 's work , according to Heath , should not be limited by interpretative strategies which are fundamentally referentialist in orientation .
2 You men are so conformist in love , so provincial in imagination ; that is why we have to flatter you , to prop you up with little lies .
3 So I feel that our power has grown very much and that we are now hand in hand with the comrades in Namibia .
4 It also began to look at proposals for MA courses , and at its November 1966 meeting , for example , it expressed the view that a proposed MA in Business Administration at Portsmouth College of Technology did not meet the CNAA 's criterion that the content should be substantially postgraduate in character : too much of it was introductory work , insufficiently rooted in the basic disciplines .
5 It seemed to me that hardly any left the building in those weeks of May without murmuring apologetically that they were only leaving in order to get some baking done at home !
6 Important though these duties were , they were fairly routine in character ; they did not bring Clanvow to the notice of a wider public .
7 Electromagnetic radiation from a source small compared with the wavelength is predominantly dipole in character with higher multipoles becoming progressively weaker .
8 This magnificent constellation is arguably second in splendour only to Orion .
9 Soft water is usually acid in nature , it has no alkaline hardness salts .
10 This is still minute in relation to the number of health technologies used in the NHS , however .
11 ( McRobbie 1978 ) Subsequent work has challenged the view that political effects follow straightforwardly from the reading of particular genres and suggested that , in according texts all the power , and readers none , much of the debate about women readers is dangerously misogynist in tone : ( Light 1984 ) , Moss 1989b ) :
12 It is decidedly Army in shape .
13 There is clearly variation in expression of the APC gene within families as can be seen from the three families we have presented in detail .
14 There is also evidence in favour of the view that what we might think of as pragmatic factors influence language comprehension .
15 What table 4.2 does not show , however , is that there is also variation in length in the /a/ system , which is equally rule-governed .
16 However , it should also be noted that there is also decrease in reaction time between levels of processing of 1 and 2 , which is significant for No answers .
17 He has taught in schools and universities in Ireland and in France , and is now Reader in French in this university , having been here since nineteen sixty six .
18 Er er they never , you know when you watch it on television , there 's never trouble in rugby like they do in football is there ?
19 In some patients , there was four-fold increase in antibody response before the first sputum culture of P cepacia .
20 He was also instructor in geology at the Royal Geographical Society and lectured aspiring explorers in the subject .
21 In return for this support in times of need , it demanded contributions from everyone , in labour and in wealth , although the latter was often payment in kind .
22 ‘ I was really getting stuck into him , but it was mainly tongue in cheek .
23 Indeed their protest against restrictions on the individual was almost anarchist in tone .
24 Jesus who Himself spoke of ‘ the creation ’ could also have rightly spoken in terms of ‘ my creation ’ for as the apostle Paul wrote ‘ by Him were all things CREATED that are in heaven ( was there evolution in heaven ? ) and that are in earth … all things were CREATED by Him and for Him . ’
25 But the rhetoric of those who defended government policy in the early 1680s was explicitly legalist in nature .
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