Example sentences of "be [adv] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Where you have your main account depends very much on where you are most of the time .
2 He 'd been away at the time of the murder but if , as seemed likely , he 'd been having an affair with Angy … suppose he was married and his wife had found out , and taken the opportunity while her husband was absent to do away with her rival ?
3 Whenever I motor past , I imagine what a joy it must have been once upon a time to see him in action around the commons and village greens , stroking that famous beard and then scattering the pony and traps with his magnificent blows .
4 Sheriff Brian Lockhart , who is presiding over the fatal accident inquiry , asked whether the Newton plans , referred to throughout five weeks of the inquiry so far as ‘ single lead ’ had not been considered to be so at the time .
5 But it would be only for a time and she had been thinking of asking the queen-dowager for permission to leave sanctuary and visit her mother .
6 There would be a lot of damage and a few people would get hurt , but the lads would be away by the time the police could get round to the place .
7 But , as HEATHER KIDD reports , the rebuilding process should be underway by the time the Wallabies arrive .
8 He has a scooter , he 'll be here in no time .
9 We got all the details from Peggy , who happened to be there at the time , when she popped down later to the Met Office for a reviving cup of coffee and dash of medicinal brandy .
10 And er we were on that for about an hour or so and then they got rid of the the badly injured were taken off then and put on the Therris it 's support vessel that was Just happened to be there at the time .
11 You will be there from the time it opens in the morning , until the evening , when our coach will be waiting to drive you back to your hotel .
12 You will be there from the time it opens in the morning , until the evening , when your coach will be waiting to drive you back to your hotel .
13 You will be there from the time it opens in the morning until the evening , when your coach will be waiting to drive you back to your hotel .
14 Jump in the motor , we 'll be there in no time . ’
15 Jean , surely , had been here at the time of the murder .
16 She 'd been there at the time he 'd wanted a woman .
17 If Deaconess Tilley had n't been there at the time , she might have found an excuse to say no .
18 Alan Clements , Trafalgar 's chairman , persistently repeated the company 's view that the accounts ‘ were right at the time they were published' , a view supported by David Jenkins , Touche 's partner in charge of the audit .
19 A lrge percentage of the parachutes used by British airborne servicemen were inside at the time and destroyed at a cost of more than nineteen million pounds .
20 In all it received three performances , though because father and son were together at the time their own account of its success was not preserved .
21 Both Mike and I were away at the time .
22 Its wines were once upon a time combined in the vat with those of Verzenay and it is from the reputation of that great village that Beaumont-sur-Vesle has wrested its misplaced status .
23 Though not all his points are equally well taken , there can be no doubt that he is right in his basic assertion that the Kanunname is shot through with anachronisms suggesting sixteenth-century alterations and additions and that any provision of it must be treated with reserve and checked against other sources before being accepted as being genuinely of the time of Mehmed II .
24 ‘ We have a number of differing accounts from the people who were there at the time .
25 In addition to fully appreciating the significance and context of much of the material they wanted to use , pupils also intended to create new material themselves by acting roles as if they were there at the time .
26 The Society has displayed confidence in the contributors by printing their nostalgic talk verbatim and the result is a fascinating account of the town in the earlier part of this century , through the voices of the men and women who were there at the time .
27 There is no reason to believe any of the raiders were aboard at the time , although two rumours have persisted through the years .
28 Well , so it is most of the time .
29 This explains why cases do not come to court when the conditions of my comically weak description of the explicit extension of our legal conventions are met , which is most of the time .
30 Lives in a room over the garage at Tyler 's 'ard. 'as the place to 'imself when Mr Dysart 's not there , o' course , which is most o' the time . ’
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