Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 For next year , we 're also getting a further specific grant , which we 're showing up here , but instead of continuing the distribution that we 've got in the current year , the government have decided that that should be entirely distributed on S S A factors , and again that 's been to the detriment of Sh Shropshire .
2 They are still occupying the lower status jobs , and bringing up a family has often meant interruptions to education or professional training .
3 If we accept Massey 's ( 1984a ) argument regarding ‘ layers of investment ’ as the mechanism through which places are constantly being remade , then we are similarly accepting the longer-lived view of the landscape as a palimpsest , a parchment on which several ( perhaps many ) layers of human occupance have been laid , with the nature of each layer influencing that of the next .
4 Singers are also exploring an older repertoire , with rewarding results .
5 People here are also adopting a healthier diet .
6 Clients are also playing a larger part in the settlement of disputes under building contracts .
7 But four others are now draining a further 80 hectares .
8 Delegates to this seminar are now planning a further meeting in November .
9 I use the term " child " here in contradistinction to " parent " — not all incest involves juveniles — but one would expect any effect to be more marked the younger the child concerned .
10 Covering a wide variety of subjects and techniques and , of course with equal variety in the quality of their content and production , videos are fast becoming a cheaper , more accessible and very informative and successful learning tool .
11 Despite a lingering tendency to see the Chinese cult of the dead as a simple and direct projection on to the mystical plane of the strict code of filial piety controlling the behaviour of sons towards their fathers , recent studies by Sinological anthropologists are increasingly adopting a wider cosmological perspective which places the dead , where they naturally belong , among the other spirits and forces of traditional Chinese religion .
12 The advent of Stanier , and his successors locomotives designs , with their outside motion and labour saving examples were slowly replacing the older LNW engines along the coast .
13 Naturally there were protests from some ILEA teachers of languages , history , geography , home economics and physical education that their subjects were not to be made compulsory in the fourth and fifth years : such subjects , it was held , were thereby accorded a lower status .
14 We were tremendously encouraged by the active support we received throughout the battle from so many customers and employees , and a comfortable majority of your fellow shareholders have now demonstrated their confidence in our future , for Anglo-Welsh were only offered a further 6.7 per cent of shares to add to the 29.75 per cent they already owned .
15 Until the Ottoman empire began to decline in the late eighteenth century , Christian subjects in the Balkans were probably treated no worse than were the peasants of central Europe by their Christian feudal overlords .
16 Details of the proposals remain secret , but Mr Taylor and the PFA were probably promised a larger minimum guarantee than the £1 million on the table last week .
17 It was difficult to tell if those who had already risen were trying to help their fellows , or if those still recumbent were actually pulling the feistier ones back down , into the grave .
18 This is another sign that , so far at least , the Opposition is rather getting the better of the ratings ' war .
19 Commercial sponsorship is constantly gaining a higher profile in marketing policies .
20 The Magnus effect is more pronounced the faster the cylinder rotates .
21 The Chancellor is gradually receiving a clearer picture of the state of the economy as he prepares next month 's budget .
22 Not only has ‘ Orpheus ’ proved the hit of the season ; it is also attracting a younger audience .
23 The first band of earnings attracting this contribution should run up to what is now called the lower earnings limit .
24 At the same time , the size of the sixteen to nineteen age group in Wales has increased as the bulge in the birth rate in the mid-1960s , having passed through the school system , is now affecting the further education colleges .
25 Until recently , DVI microchips cost around £1,000 , but Intel is now developing a cheaper version of DVI which uses software rather than chips .
26 The attitudinist would say that calling an emotional attitude correct or incorrect is simply expressing a higher order emotional attitude towards it .
27 The aim of the GFF is simply to demote the rarer occurrences of words .
28 This means that society is increasingly experiencing a lower standard of living than would be possible without rising levels of unemployment .
29 John Wriglesworth , housing finance analyst at UBS Phillips & Drew , is currently forecasting a further drop of up to 10% in house prices next year .
30 The newly formed Control Data Systems Inc ( UX No 387 ) , is currently designing a higher performance , higher clock-speed implementation of MIPS Computer Systems Inc 's R6000 ECL RISC — possibly utilising multiple CPU modules — which it will announce later this year for the 4860MP quad-processor that MIPS builds for it , according to chief executive officer , James Ousley .
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