Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] [prep] in " in BNC.

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1 Disabled people are widely discriminated against in most types of employment including the health and caring professions .
2 In 1899 , when there was a sharp increase in the number of reported cattle thefts , H. W. Brodhurst , the Government Agent , attributed it to false cases which were instituted because the magistrate was inexperienced : ‘ I therefore attach little importance to this apparent recrudescence of a crime which was once the curse of the Province , but has been little heard of in late years . ’
3 For example , the constraints of women 's lifestyles and their domestic and family responsibilities often mean that they are effectively discriminated against in terms of availability for election and service .
4 I have been asked to see that you are properly looked after in your retirement . ’
5 The financial savings made possible by Sandys ’ Reformation had been gradually whittled away by escalating equipment costs , and by the need to provide the strategic mobility that his policies had assumed , but which had been inadequately provided for in his costings .
6 Typhoid : The illness which produced the Widow of Windsor , from an insanitary state of the drains there , which has not been greatly improved upon in much of the world .
7 I could not possibly have been better looked after in any private hospital and my thanks and appreciation go to all those who made my recovery possible .
8 Consequently graduates from the Department of Hotel and Catering Management are highly sought after in all areas of the industry .
9 The collapse must have been much commented on in the Edinburgh print and publishing trade , but the local press was discreet .
10 These things , not surprisingly , are only hinted at in their publication , for that document is mostly concerned with presenting the reader with the team 's own rationale .
11 Withdrawing from some drugs , such as barbiturates , are best dealt with in a situation where medical or specialist help is available .
12 There is nothing to stop the parties specifically preventing the expert from pursuing his own investigations and limiting his consideration of evidence to the material submitted by the parties ; this can be attended to at this stage , if it has not been already provided for in the expert clause : see 8.15.8 .
13 Well clearly , we need to you know , the long term moves which we you 're obviously taking of in terms of the long running programmes is fine .
14 Thus it is that the Masters and Augusta are always spoken of in reverential tones , each contestant being made to feel that he is walking on hallowed ground in close communion with the saints of the game .
15 Another part of me is racist , probably because I 've hardly met any colored people and all I know of them is what I read in papers and see on television , where black people are usually talked of in terms of numbers and presumed guilty until proved innocent .
16 Pensions are usually dealt with in a separate schedule to the agreement .
17 Today , new solutions — nuclear , solar , and so on — are still talked of in an expansive attitude when restraint is needed .
18 Homosexuals are still discriminated against in many areas , such as over the custody of children , in employment , in education , by the police , and in the media .
19 Some of its relics are scrupulously cared for in the English Circle headquarters ; they showed me a pair of jockey scales , caricatures of riders clambering redfaced out of ditches , group paintings of the hunt moving off .
20 An American-based German policeman , specialising in the illicit money-laundering business , told Der Spiegel magazine : ‘ We Germans are particularly loved — Lufthansa delivers the money boxes on time , they are scrupulously accounted for in our warehouses and the Deutsche Bank accepts the contents without a murmur . ’
21 In the narratives , descriptions of killing are specifically and explicitly couched in terms of the shedding of another person 's blood , whilst acts of lawful vengeance for clan murder are similarly spoken of in terms of effecting an expiation by blood ( Lev .
22 Published analysis and research are already in the public domain and are liberally referred to in this report .
23 Two other dimensions of work which have been found less important in the case of the industrial worker are also looked at in this chapter : working hours and the technical environment .
24 Um going back to this business of people who 've been abused at er as part of , well not exactly abused , people who 've been severely bullied in in sc in the school system , erm particularly when you 're talking about all boys schools , I mean this is one of the problems that they have to contend with .
25 Like the reports of the NAO , the reports of the Commission receive wide attention and are often referred to in the media .
26 Such cables are often referred to in factories as ‘ down-shop ’ leads ’ .
27 These topics are often looked at in an historical context : changes in the patterning of family life with industrialization and urbanization are examined .
28 But the results are often seized upon in an ill-digested way by popular writers , occasionally the scientists themselves , as confirming that the animals have the linguistic competence and cognitive awareness of human beings .
29 It is clearly undesirable and often more expensive to admit or keep in district general hospitals or long stay hospitals old or mentally ill or mentally handicapped people who could be properly looked after in the community .
30 While the planned closure of both Digby and Exminster did mean some transitory inter-hospital transfers , both the chronic long-stay population and elderly people with dementia were considered to be better cared for in the community .
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