Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Disabled people are widely discriminated against in most types of employment including the health and caring professions .
2 In 1899 , when there was a sharp increase in the number of reported cattle thefts , H. W. Brodhurst , the Government Agent , attributed it to false cases which were instituted because the magistrate was inexperienced : ‘ I therefore attach little importance to this apparent recrudescence of a crime which was once the curse of the Province , but has been little heard of in late years . ’
3 That is the principle of subsidiarity , which has been widely subscribed to by political leaders across the European Community .
4 For example , the constraints of women 's lifestyles and their domestic and family responsibilities often mean that they are effectively discriminated against in terms of availability for election and service .
5 We will review the powers of the Local Government Ombudsman to ensure that findings of maladministration are properly dealt with by all local authorities .
6 I have been asked to see that you are properly looked after in your retirement . ’
7 The financial savings made possible by Sandys ’ Reformation had been gradually whittled away by escalating equipment costs , and by the need to provide the strategic mobility that his policies had assumed , but which had been inadequately provided for in his costings .
8 It has been loosely referred to as any mode of policing other than the rapid-response crime control type ; an alternative which specifically seeks to make constables part of the community by making them responsible for a geographical area , known as ‘ permanent ’ or ‘ home ’ beats ; a means of developing communication between the police and the local community ; and a process by which responsibility for crime control and prevention is shared with the community , both also known as ‘ community relations ’ ( Weatheritt 1983 : 4–5 ) .
9 Afghan rugs employing the typical Afghan " Elephant 's foot " ( or Gulli ) gul are rarely referred to as Bokharas , and are usually marketed under the name of the weaving village , district or tribe , or simply as Afghan rugs .
10 Paper records exist in the various departments , but they tend to be self-monitored , and are rarely referred to by other departments .
11 Carnivores themselves are rarely preyed upon by other animals .
12 Distraught with grief and shock , rejected by her own mother and father , Melissa had been taken by the warm-hearted Craigs into their own home ; the small matter of illegitimacy had been discreetly dealt with by a statutory change of name and a wedding-ring , and the bereaved parents had found consolation for the loss of their only child in caring for his son .
13 Any repairs or replacements or renewals of furnishings are noted on the cards , and they are constantly referred to by the housekeeping and maintenance departments , whose responsibility it is to see that the room is maintained to the required standard .
14 After the exhibition of Canova 's work and related sculpture organised by the Fondazione Memmo at Palazzo Ruspoli in Rome , the nucleus of the show , including ten statues from the Hermitage , has moved to Venice and been greatly added to by further loans .
15 Typhoid : The illness which produced the Widow of Windsor , from an insanitary state of the drains there , which has not been greatly improved upon in much of the world .
16 I could not possibly have been better looked after in any private hospital and my thanks and appreciation go to all those who made my recovery possible .
17 And as anurans , with their soft vulnerable bodies , are much sought after as food , they need all the defences they can muster .
18 In conclusion , this study shows that postprandial gall bladder contraction and CCK and PP release are greatly impaired for at least four hours after injection of octreotide .
19 Consequently graduates from the Department of Hotel and Catering Management are highly sought after in all areas of the industry .
20 ‘ We are basically looked upon as the end of things , ’ says Richard Faulkner .
21 Corns are better dealt with by a chiropodist .
22 It is a guide for practitioners and does not attempt to expound academic points which are better dealt with by numerous text books .
23 In all such cases the prevalence of such actions and the possibilities for their control are better accounted for by addressing the question of what it is that usually inhibits the actions , rather than by accounting for how the motivations arise .
24 If such crimes really are entirely accounted for by the possession of abnormal motives propelling their possessors into crime regardless of any other considerations , then it does not really possess the features that usually class actions as ‘ crimes ’ ; rather , it would belong in some alternative category , such as mental illness .
25 As often happens with highly endangered species , this dolphin has been much sought after as a rare specimen for overseas aquaria , and has been captured for display in the US and Switzerland .
26 The collapse must have been much commented on in the Edinburgh print and publishing trade , but the local press was discreet .
27 These things , not surprisingly , are only hinted at in their publication , for that document is mostly concerned with presenting the reader with the team 's own rationale .
28 like most of these these have , erm what I want to know is er why , when I was disposed of as you like as a useless article , why I am suddenly called upon by this government to be one hundred per cent , not fifty per cent responsible , but one hundred per cent responsible , not only for my children which I 'm quite happy to do , but one hundred per cent responsible to keep my wife off of benefit and one hundred per cent responsible if she should ever want one , t for her partner .
29 Two refuse collectors were recently stabbed by hypodermic syringes which had been incorrectly disposed of by being placed in domestic waste .
30 Statements describing proposed changes are normally referred to as aims and objectives .
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