Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] of [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In 1899 , when there was a sharp increase in the number of reported cattle thefts , H. W. Brodhurst , the Government Agent , attributed it to false cases which were instituted because the magistrate was inexperienced : ‘ I therefore attach little importance to this apparent recrudescence of a crime which was once the curse of the Province , but has been little heard of in late years . ’
2 Two refuse collectors were recently stabbed by hypodermic syringes which had been incorrectly disposed of by being placed in domestic waste .
3 As we suggested in the introduction , " temporary workers are normally thought of as those who are not engaged on indefinite contract of employment , and the obvious opposite of an indefinite contract of employment is a contract for a fixed period of time .
4 Even in Northern Ireland , the districts are best thought of as the lower tier in a system that simply lacks a democratically elected higher level of local government .
5 They are best thought of as a three-part harmonic combination , chords on three trombones being extremely impressive in effect at all dynamic levels .
6 Many data are collected regularly and routinely , particularly by government agencies , local authorities , etc. , so that , again , we have These observations are best thought of as a time series rather than a longitudinal study since the whole community of a country or region ( rather than a sample ) is generally involved .
7 Well clearly , we need to you know , the long term moves which we you 're obviously taking of in terms of the long running programmes is fine .
8 Whilst you 're a student , you may find that you 're often thought of as a stereotype — hardworking , humourless academic , single-minded radical or easy-living perpetual partygoer .
9 Thus it is that the Masters and Augusta are always spoken of in reverential tones , each contestant being made to feel that he is walking on hallowed ground in close communion with the saints of the game .
10 Another part of me is racist , probably because I 've hardly met any colored people and all I know of them is what I read in papers and see on television , where black people are usually talked of in terms of numbers and presumed guilty until proved innocent .
11 In this country , tortoises are usually thought of as land animals , terrapins as freshwater and turtles as sea-living , or marine , reptiles .
12 Recruitment and selection are usually thought of as the company picking the person .
13 Today , new solutions — nuclear , solar , and so on — are still talked of in an expansive attitude when restraint is needed .
14 Particularly interesting will be how rivalries are both conceived of by fans themselves , and represented in local and national media .
15 Many birds are regarded as being evil omens and portents of death , notably the magpie and the raven who are both thought of as the Devil 's own pets .
16 That dinosaurs , as a sub-order of the archosaurs , are traditionally thought of as reptiles is the legacy of the great nineteenth-century anatomist Richard Owen .
17 In the narratives , descriptions of killing are specifically and explicitly couched in terms of the shedding of another person 's blood , whilst acts of lawful vengeance for clan murder are similarly spoken of in terms of effecting an expiation by blood ( Lev .
18 Photons are often spoken of as ‘ packets of energy ’ .
19 As already mentioned , spreadsheets are often thought of as the key number crunching application and therefore benefit most from a numeric coprocessor .
20 The adverbs here and there are often thought of as simple contrasts on a proximal/distal dimension , stretching away from the speaker 's location , as in : ( 72 ) Bring that here and take this there But this is only sometimes so , for although there basically means " distal from speaker 's location at CT " , it can also be used to mean " proximal to addressee at RT " .
21 This Meeting consider that the sum appropriated for the Steam Boat last year would be best disposed of by carrying on works of utility to the Island … "
22 But the nuclear power-station operators in both Britain and abroad have also begun to look much more seriously at a clear alternative to reprocessing : the storage of the spent fuel until it can be directly disposed of in a special dump .
23 In Holland that is enough for the containers to be legally disposed of as domestic waste . ’
24 The early or lower stages that he has identified are first , a stage in which children 's thinking is rooted in obedience to adults , fear of punishment and acceptance of authority ; then a stage of an essentially self-interested acceptance , for the sake of reciprocity , of a principle of fairness between peers ; and then a further stage of seeking approval and desiring to be well thought of by one 's community or group .
25 The state can be conveniently thought of as a rational , unitary decision-maker ( Allison , 1971 , p. 32 ) which has one set of specified goals , one set of perceived options , and a single estimate of the consequences which follow from each alternative available to it .
26 Tests have shown that an aqueous solution of PCBs and oxygen in the supercritical state destroys the lethal chloride material in minutes , leaving a solution that can be safely disposed of in rivers or the sea .
27 Highly toxic pollutants could be safely disposed of by burning them under water , Prof Keith Bartle , of Leeds University , told the conference .
28 Nevertheless , in a major reversal of policy , the " look and feel " test in Whelan v Jaslow has been strongly disapproved of in the United States Court of Appeals , 2nd circuit , in the case of Computer Associates International Inc. v Altai ( 1992 ) .
29 He 's a master mariner in his own right , and he 's always been well thought of in the fleet .
30 Library training co-operatives can undertake to fulfil , at little direct cost , many of the objectives currently fulfilled by external courses — for example , offering staff the chance to meet and exchange views with staff working for other authorities or in different types of libraries ; encouraging professional awareness and commitment to professional values — two of the indirect objectives that are sometimes thought of as the ‘ real ’ value of external course attendance .
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