Example sentences of "be [adj] [to-vb] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When households initially decide the flow of their labour services that they are willing to supply at different values for the real wage rate they are simultaneously deciding the quantities of goods which they demand in exchange for those services .
2 The Government 's new City Challenge Initiative , which we are all hoping will be accepted er on behalf of , that they are willing to look at social partnership with firms , although we have reservations about some of their proposals er in that area .
3 They are likely to flower at different times and the effect will be untidy .
4 In some cultures there are still some established religious and social rituals surrounding death that help all the bereaved have a better understanding of how they are supposed to behave at certain times .
5 But the not-in-my-backyard arguments are hard to resist at local level .
6 By allowing Tepilit to engage in the formalities of gift exchange , she may have been able to observe at close quarters how it worked , but she was also entering into the drama .
7 It may also be feasible to look at individual letter confidences to determine an ordering of letter positions in which to apply the substitution algorithm .
8 In exploring what this may mean for professional practice , it may be helpful to look at other attempts to reconstrue the nature of professional activity .
9 Mr Fallon said many disabled people wrote to him concerned that they would not be able to shop at convenient times .
10 While the nuclear power of the Royal Air Force ( RAF ) would always be dwarfed by that of the United States , Britain needed to be able to strike at Soviet targets of prime importance to herself .
11 This is because to convey all the information — whether by analogue or digital means — it must be able to flash at great speed .
12 Once that happens council officers would then be able to look at specific ways of reducing the risk of accidents in Darlington and help make the borough a safer place .
13 It would be necessary to allocate at random a group of people to smoke ( say ) 50 cigarettes per day and another group to be non-smoker controls .
14 After that we will be ready to look at specific policies in more detail .
15 The ships had some 10 miles to go ; the MLs had used their extra fuel and filled the spare tanks with seawater as they stole into the estuary in two columns , headed by MGB 314 : These motorboats are difficult to handle at slow speed and Campbeltown was sluggish , but at speed she drew an extra foot aft and every inch counted as she came towards the mud .
16 Armour-plated like giant turtles , humped and unruly and gashed with ferocious battle scars , yet in other places so biscuit-thin that it is possible to look at distant landscapes or clouds through the pierced form of a perforation in the ridge ( rather like one of Henry Moore 's outdoor sculptures ) .
17 These two groups of animals are quite unrelated , but both still have living representatives in the oceans , and so it is possible to look at living animals to help with the interpretation of fossil examples .
18 Feminists studying language have in general been more interested in furthering the study of sex difference than in criticising it , and though it is acceptable to sneer at long-dead commentators like Jespersen , whose work we will shortly come to , a thorough critique of modem sociolinguistics has been very slow to emerge .
19 Or the London Gazette Supplement which is free to read at main Post Offices lists all winning numbers .
20 Upstream , production in 1993 is likely to remain at current levels , as a series of new fields come into production and offset the older declining fields .
21 In planning ward staffing , the ward manager should start with a clear view of the number of staff she is likely to require at various times of the day .
22 After surveying the general scene it is useful to look at existing differences between educators about each of the four main activities .
23 Given that the content of procedural protection will vary from area to area it is important to look at specific topics .
24 Savage , whose injury was so bad he is unable to play at non-League level , is hoping for some kind of runout at Burnden Park on November 17 when Bolton face Manchester City in a joint benefit match for him and Frank Worthington .
25 Savage , whose injury was so bad he is unable to play at non-League level , is hoping for some kind of runout at Burnden Park on November 17 when Bolton face Manchester City in a joint benefit match for him and Frank Worthington .
26 There are times when it is essential to strike at half-inch twitch bites .
27 For one thing , it is difficult to arrive at consistent criteria by which to identify the species .
28 They produced rather more appetising food than the normal congealed heap of pie and beans and dead sausage rolls which it is mandatory to decline at other resorts .
29 We are entitled to vote at Annual General Meetings and to elect a proportion of those members who form the Council of the Trust ( that is , those not appointed by a number of interested organisations ) .
30 No wonder I could n't quite believe it when we went into the top entrance of OFD II and it opened into wide open spaces where it was easy to walk at full height .
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