Example sentences of "be [adj] [verb] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , it has not been possible to trace these sherds in the museum collection .
2 The teacher found that four could read Messrs Nelson 's Shilling Book , six the Sixpenny Book , and ten only the Threepenny Book " With the " board schools " in their infancy , it was by no means clear that it would have been possible to recruit many girls of working-class origin into the trade in the early 1870s .
3 But we are prepared to give some guidelines or pointers as to the practice and procedure to be adopted when a hearing as to a wasted costs order takes place .
4 As I understand it , Mr Maxwell 's company has approached the Housing Committee and said we are prepared to let these houses be used for homeless families , so it 's a small but significant step in the right direction .
5 The currency convertability restrictions threaten to wipe out the country 's domestic base of small resellers unless suppliers opt to extend credit facilities further , but to date there has been no indication that suppliers are prepared to take such steps .
6 If you are prepared to take fewer flights and welcome the security of confirmed flights , a fixed-route airpass may be best .
7 When other Community Governments are prepared to extend those rights to their people , is not it completely wrong for the British Government to refuse to do the same for the British people ?
8 There are of course exceptions of those who are neither councillors nor magistrates er and are prepared to do these jobs , but there are n't very many in relation to er the numbers of people that would be required for this sort of task and there are many other activities for which there are required , like school governors who like helping on various health bodies and er they have n't got the time to do them all , and if they have , they probably are n't suitable , because I have to my Lords that a lord of people who volunteer for these sorts of tasks and I have experience of them are n't people that locally we would like to have sitting on these various bodies and we have to discourage them one way and another .
9 Unless we , as legislators , are prepared to treat such circumstances with that degree of seriousness , rather than allowing fines even in the low thousands to be imposed , we are unlikely to secure the safety culture to which North sea workers are , sadly , not accustomed but are certainly entitled .
10 But there are many teachers in many schools who feel the need to break out of the cycle of crisis management and low morale so keenly that they are prepared to make those commitments .
11 We are prepared to discuss any alterations you wish to make to your indicative offer at any stage during the due diligence process .
12 Let me assume that you would like to enter for practice at the Bar and are prepared to brave all hazards .
13 The typical witch was now the poor neighbour , begging food and drink from people who had once been willing to acknowledge these claims , but did so no longer .
14 The Democrats in Congress had then been willing to accept such measures provided that the President would agree to more federal funding for local law enforcement and controls on the sale of assault weapons .
15 ‘ the parties are free to make any arrangements which they like dealing with the subject matter of costs ; and it seems to me to make no difference whether that agreement is made before or after the court takes the matter into its consideration .
16 Following this Act , bus operators are free to provide any services they wish , subject only to giving six weeks ' notice , and to meeting the same safety standards as previously .
17 Of course , members are free to raise these issues , though the appropriate forum is the Annual General Meeting rather than the Annual Conference .
18 I think that a good job has been done by the ITC , but I am prepared to consider any representations that are made to me about the future determination of licences .
19 I am delighted to accept those congratulations , not least on behalf of my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State and my hon. Friend the Under-Secretary , who have spearheaded the campaign .
20 In the past , sociologists have been content to dismiss such claims as unworthy of serious consideration for a variety of reasons , some of which have already been examined .
21 Few jobs are easy to get these days and , if you have set your sights on advertising , it must be worth extra effort .
22 They 're supposed to cure all sorts of things from poor nerves to hangovers .
23 You 're supposed to know these things . ’
24 You 're able to do all sorts of things in the sky .
25 People are quick to articulate such criticisms in gossip but even here there are constraints .
26 One particular area in which technical terms are likely to cause some problems is that of grammar : and here we shall follow the terminology and general view of grammar presented in Quirk and Greenbaum 's University Grammar of English . "
27 Because of the uncertainties ahead , which are likely to cause more difficulties for smaller companies , the bulk of the trust 's portfolio is , at present , mainly in the larger blue chip companies .
28 We are likely to see more agreements offering better deals to part-timers , to entice mothers back to work , as the demographic changes begin to bite .
29 Few of us are likely to shed many tears .
30 It is , therefore , I suggest , a mistake to create radio commercials that are likely to need many hearings to achieve their effect .
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