Example sentences of "be [art] [noun pl] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 for which figures are the ratios area of figure : area of circle perimeter of figure : perimeter of circle equal ?
2 Are the clues part of a trend ?
3 set to break a record are the milers club of Great britain … they 're in action at Iffley Road tomorrow … and are aiming to break to world records … both relays in men and women …
4 set to break a record are the milers club of Great britain … they 're in action at Iffley Road tomorrow … and are aiming to break to world records … both relays in men and women …
5 Most of these minor illnesses last only a few days or weeks : what are needed , therefore , are the measures quality of life days or quality of life weeks .
6 There should n't have been a cattle herd of feet trampling over the grass .
7 ‘ The first product release is likely to be a Windows version of ‘ Oilwat/Gaswat ’ which is awaited by many existing and potential users of the package .
8 ‘ Usually , ’ he went on , ‘ when there 's to be a police raid of any sort we know about it before it happens .
9 Among the organizations which had put pen to paper were the Farmers Union of Wales , the Somerset Community Health Council and the regional Youth Hostels Association .
10 where C SL is the transactions cost of being long in the spot index ( buying shares in the index ) ; C FN is the transactions cost of being short in the future ( selling a future ) ; C SN is the transactions cost of being short in the spot index ( selling short every share in the index ) ; and C FL is the transactions cost of being long in the future ( buying a future ) .
11 where C SL is the transactions cost of being long in the spot index ( buying shares in the index ) ; C FN is the transactions cost of being short in the future ( selling a future ) ; C SN is the transactions cost of being short in the spot index ( selling short every share in the index ) ; and C FL is the transactions cost of being long in the future ( buying a future ) .
12 where C SL is the transactions cost of being long in the spot index ( buying shares in the index ) ; C FN is the transactions cost of being short in the future ( selling a future ) ; C SN is the transactions cost of being short in the spot index ( selling short every share in the index ) ; and C FL is the transactions cost of being long in the future ( buying a future ) .
13 where C SL is the transactions cost of being long in the spot index ( buying shares in the index ) ; C FN is the transactions cost of being short in the future ( selling a future ) ; C SN is the transactions cost of being short in the spot index ( selling short every share in the index ) ; and C FL is the transactions cost of being long in the future ( buying a future ) .
14 Irving Fisher 's version of the quantity theory can be explained in terms of the following ‘ equation of exchange ’ : where M is the nominal stock of money in circulation and V is the transactions velocity of circulation of money ( that is , the average number of times the given quantity of money changes hands in transactions ) ; P is the average price of all transactions and T is the number of transactions that take place during the time period .
15 This is the Windows version of VidiPC .
16 From the latter , he derived the proposition that intent is the mens rea of rape and to this he added recklessness .
17 Too much paperwork and not enough money — that is the grass-roots opinion of community care 's introduction .
18 ( Rule of Life No. 307 : when a student , remember — the comrade on the protest march today is the police chief of tomorrow . )
19 Andy Norman is the Promotions Officer of British Athletics and the man mostly responsible for the extraordinary rise of the sport during the late seventies and throughout the eighties .
20 in calculating lost pension rights the correct approach is 1 ) apply the appropriate multiplier to the appropriate multiplicand 2 ) the appropriate multiplicand is the pursuers level of wage which would have been received if currently employed 3 ) allowing for all contingencies including the chance of obtaining a pension in the future the multiplier for a 48 year old was 6 4 ) the resulting figure should be reduced for the accelerated benefit bearing in mind that the pension would not have been paid before age 65 .
21 The pH value is the chemists way of rating the water 's acidity or alkalinity .
22 Mainlan GTI now comes in a Windows flavour as well as DOS , and it 's the Windows side of things that we 'll examine — the DOS software echoes it fairly closely .
23 You ca n't compare it , it 's the rolls royce of caravans .
24 Here 's one for all you Star Trek fans , basically this is a windows version of the very popular EGA Startrek .
25 At the corner of Fore Street and St Marychurch is a Bygones replica of a Victorian street , ‘ now with authentic smells ’ , in a former cinema , open every day and complete with militaria and railway collections , coffee and souvenir shops .
26 Fiona Price & Partners Ltd is an all-women company of financial advisers and is well known for having an almost all-female clientele .
27 My posting came through and I was posted to Swordstone this side of Norwich , so I was still quids in , I could get home once a week , twenty four hour pass and then erm after a while erm , having served at Regiment , I was posted up to , as the Sergeant Artillery Clerk with the Brigade , an ack-ack brigade up at Coventry , just outside Coventry and then of course the A T S were coming in , were coming in in quite large numbers then and they were replacing male personnel and then I was posted abroad and I went to Egypt where I was there again , fortunate enough , I suppose , to go into the echelon , the second echelon which was the Records Office of all the forces or the armoured personnel in the Middle East and I worked there until I was actually demobbed from there but I was out in Egypt there for two , just over two years , came back to Northampton where I was finally demobbed and allowed to come home and as I said I came home one week and I was back at work the next .
28 As well as the British Open Championship of 1987 , there was the Masters title of 1989 at Augusta to make it double major triumphs .
29 Dili was the malai island of romance , the most beautiful spot in the archipelago .
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