Example sentences of "be [prep] the [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 Emily had taken her revenge swiftly , severing the ties that had long been between the Grenfells and the Morgans .
2 Instead , where disorder has occurred , it has more often been between the police and a faction or factions within the demonstration itself .
3 Whatever understanding there might have been between the police and the BUF ended at this remark .
4 One of the major divisions has been between the Japanese and the Europeans .
5 But in The Emperor no detail is adduced that might bring out what differences there could have been between the courtiers and petitioners of Ethiopia and their counterparts elsewhere in the world .
6 Things like false alarm calls and so on , have been through the courts and we 've been stopped from doing that .
7 But common sense , coupled with the prospect of the time and paperwork involved in interviewing the hundred or so people who 'd been through the Cookery and Refreshment Tent during the past few hours finally defeated his hope for personal glory through brilliant deduction .
8 We 've been through the records and we 're pretty sure this is the first time we have had a Prime Minister here .
9 Am I to believe in it , that every response should come so neatly , as if you had been through the Gospels and marked all the places to trap each enquirer ?
10 And there was a a a a lad who was about a couple of years older than me , he 'd be about twenty three , he 'd been through the War and er he was a real revolutionary , he was re and and he was very intelligent .
11 that had been through the fire and they were taken out and you know whoever .
12 This is the time of life at which friends and acquaintances begin to die ; women have been through the menopause and men can no longer deny that their virility is diminishing .
13 Jesus has been through the agony in the garden he 's been arrested he 's been abandoned by his apostles he 's been through a trial and he has actually been through the crucifixion and he 's been buried in the tomb .
14 Someone or something had been through the fridge and taken away a few samples of earthling diet — a chilli con carne and a cold lasagne that was probably even now being scoffed by a load of blobs up in the ionosphere .
15 Since then , more than 170 jobs have been created and 20,000 people have been through the Employment and Enterprise Centre .
16 Lord Campbell went on : ‘ I 've been through the book and much of it is nonsense .
17 Had it not been for the enthusiasm and energy of the St Andrews Friends , that Garden might well have had to close , but now it is a thriving and greatly appreciated asset to the town and to a wider community .
18 Most of them , perhaps , were doctors , government servants of one degree or another ; a few were farmers ( I can think of one , still remembered ) and some were just friends , as I myself have been for the Bakgatia and , I hope , for the whole new country of Botswana .
19 The buildings on either side would have been for the slaves and workshops , the bath-house and latrines .
20 ‘ If it had not been for the difficulties and bruises caused by the recession , I have no doubt there would be an increased majority for the Conservative Party , ’ he said .
21 been for the day and back again .
22 Despite his personal trauma , his professionalism would never have been in question — if it had n't been for the drink and drugs .
23 Had it not been for the adroitness and presence of mind of two reporters for the Empire News and Daily News respectively , Alfred Wells , butcher 's assistant , would probably never have taken the stand at Reading 's most famous coroner 's inquest .
24 ‘ We caught Kenny after he had been off the road and were worried that he was going to hold us up because we knew Nolan was catching up quickly , ’ explains Dean .
25 Ask whether a chairperson is necessary , what items there are for the agenda and how timing is to be arranged .
26 Answer guide : This is an easy situation after the last one , here the wages are for the year and matching tells us they should be charged to this year .
27 and then then those are for the Derek and Clare symbiote .
28 More than half of the 999 calls are for the police and , since crime is rising , Oftel estimates that the current average of 60,000 calls a day will rise to 70,000 by the mid 1990s .
29 All recent records are for the Channel and most relate to single birds .
30 They are between the hills and the Forth and are sparing nothing in Lothian , from the east coast to Dunedin .
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