Example sentences of "be [prep] [be] [vb pp] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 February 23 — I am to be made flight lieutenant and given command of ‘ B ’ flight .
2 US car companies are to be given government help to produce more fuel efficient models .
3 Reflecting fears from the industry over inconsistency of enforcement , the regulatory authorities and their environmental health officers are to be given guidance on what is reasonable to expect in terms of training , and the wise operator will make sure that his training strategy is endorsed by the local EHO .
4 Thus the policy-maker is invariably in the position where he has certain aspirations in terms of macroeconomic objectives , but he has to decide which are to be given priority .
5 Unions are to be given information ; and consulted in advance .
6 But the civil servants have been vague when it comes to the detail of who is to be the competent authority , who is to foot the bill for its work ( and any extra studies it may require before giving consent ) , and how much of its deliberations are to be made public .
7 One further important change is the replacement of place of safety orders with what are to be called emergency protection orders .
8 Houses to be built on the site of the former Cameron maternity hospital in Hartlepool are to be named Greenbank Court .
9 In order to get a true comparison between the firms ( and accordingly between the contributions , both capital and income generating , of their partners ) it may be necessary : ( 1 ) to revalue capital assets to a common date ; ( 2 ) to bring in the profits from the disposal of any property not required by the merged firm ; ( 3 ) to devise some means of compensation if goodwill is to be written out of account where it has previously been treated as an asset in which the partners have a share ; ( 4 ) where work in progress features in the accounts of one of the firms , to eliminate it by billing or to write it off against the capital accounts of that firm 's partners ; ( 5 ) to settle how bad debts are to be treated post-merger , either charged generally against the new firm or separately against the partners of the old firms ; ( 6 ) to write off the value of old fixtures and fittings ; ( 7 ) to revise profit and loss accounts to a common accounting date .
10 He said that a constant stream of information was flowing out in England indicating how the targets are to be achieved south of the Border .
11 We will not specify that a certain number or percentage of candidates are to be awarded merit .
12 A massive blow , delivered at maximum speed , was to knock France out of the war in the first six weeks ; then , using Germany 's efficient interior rail system , the victorious troops were to be rushed east to destroy the Tsar 's armies before Russia 's cumbersome mobilization could be completed .
13 Such commitments , in spite of their essential unfeasibility , were to be restated time and again in future elections .
14 Companies hit by labour disputes were to be granted emergency loans and allowed to postpone tax repayments for up to nine months .
15 Alexander raised none of the questions which would have to be answered if emancipation were to take place : whether serfs were to be granted land as well as liberty , whether and how they were to pay for them , and how local government was to be conducted if the jurisdiction of serf-owners came to an end .
16 Decaying regions were to be given aid to create new industries along the lines of the Barlow report of 1940 .
17 ‘ It seems Ebert 's to be appointed General .
18 If that 's to be counted eccentricity , then Evan was an eccentric .
19 The housing is to be cast upside down .
20 Ray Kipling voiced the Institution 's appreciation of the train 's name , saying : ‘ The RNLI is delighted that an InterCity 125 is to be named Storm Force after its junior club .
21 An official opening of the new station is now being arranged and the old station is to be declared surplus to requirements .
22 If reclaimed land is to be made part of a living landscape it is not enough simply to plant vegetation on it .
23 Environmentalists have mounted a vigorous campaign to resist RBM 's plans , forcing the company to commission a full environmental impact assessment , which is to be made public in March .
24 Video taped evidence , in which Mr Reagan admits he approved the covert Arms for Hostages operation , that became known as the Iran Contra affair , is to be made public by the trial judge .
25 RUGBY LEAGUE : The Stones Bitter Premiership final at Old Trafford on Sunday , May 17 , is to be made all-ticket for the first time .
26 'G' — if the package is to be granted approval or
27 If the sewage disposal works is to be situated off-site , a suitable site must be located and purchased and easements obtained from any owners whose land the sewer crosses .
28 It is to be presumed membership reached 200 as the entrance fee was re-imposed for the bond Redemption Fund which then stood at £35 11s. 1d. … enough to redeem 1 x £25 bond .
29 ‘ I think , my dear , you have not yet learned what a curse it is to be born woman .
30 erm Yes , certainly , I , I would suggest East and St Clements because they have got quite high ethnic populations , and we can perhaps be hoping to start there , because Environmental Health 's already worked there , targeting some of the multi-occupation properties , so they 've got a very high proportion of black people living there , which means that they 're also quite important in the sense of deprivation , but , I mean , we are also very conscious that we should be working on a council estate , and what we , what I would like to do is to simultaneously be starting working in erm a particular sets of communities , is to be given work in consultation in other wards , so that you know , six months down the line before .
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