Example sentences of "be [prep] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Miss Ross said : ‘ I am not sure just what the procedures are for getting hold of a gun .
2 There are no hard and fast rules for judging when a workshop qualifies for this accolade , any more than there are for conferring greatness on people and institutions in other forms of art ; but it is normally reserved for workshops which consistently produce outstanding items under the direction of a masterweaver , who is accepted by his peers as a pre-eminent exponent of his art .
3 Meanwhile the family 's solicitor says they are considering seeking compensation from Boots .
4 It must have been like rubbing salt in an open wound .
5 Sara said , and flapped the bodice to show how generous the seamstress had been in allowing room for her to grow .
6 Obviously , the ability to continue someone else 's work is very dependent on how disciplined they have been in identifying work to be done and returning successful work to LIFESPAN .
7 But a ‘ raspberry flavour ’ food need never have been within sniffing distance of a raspberry .
8 It wo n't be worth get cake from you .
9 As a first attempt it really shines , and for free it must be worth getting hold of .
10 But it would be worth making contact with Miss Frances Needham-Burrell when she arrived and asking her — when sorting out her cousin 's effects — to keep an eye open for letters with a threatening or abusive content .
11 If you are not aware that your eating habits change depending on the time of your menstrual cycle , it would be worth keeping diary for a few months to check .
12 No-one should argue with the concept of greater efficiency in the BBC , but the reforms are also meant to be about decentralising power to where the creativity resides .
13 Since there are already hundreds of useless insect repellents on the market , how much more scope would there be for removing money from wilderness lovers , if the product was essential to beat off things with teeth and claws ?
14 If D set out to trick V into having sex , realising that she probably would not consent otherwise , are not his intention and his method sufficient to condemn him for rape , as they would be for obtaining property by deception ?
15 The phrase " factory system " was already entering the language when , in 1807 , Davies Gilbert MP , a distinguished scientist , declared : However specious in theory the project might be of giving education to the labouring classes of the poor , it would in effect be prejudicial to their morals and happiness : it would teach them to despise their lot in life , instead of making them good servants to agriculture and other laborious employments to which their rank in society had destined them ; instead of teaching them subordination , it would render them factious and refractory , as was evident in the manufacturing counties .
16 It is hoped the Halcyon will be of malting quality for sale in August/September .
17 A Conservative government , if you believe their manifesto , ought not even to be considering putting money into dying private-sector firms , but Huerter employ a lot of people , many of whom voted for this government .
18 It would be like amputating part of herself , and she knew suddenly , and quite clearly , that she could n't do it .
19 To go on would be like stepping blindfold into the dark , and she was n't ready .
20 Spending time with your bass should be like spending time with a good friend .
21 It would be like having part of Andrew with me always .
22 Whoever I am I 'm in crying need of a haircut . ’
23 In fact , neither of us wanted to go to Cranham — which we thought would be within sniffing distance of the Dartford Tunnel and all that was drab and deadly about south-east England .
24 ‘ And soon we will be within smelling distance of ale houses , my thirsty friend . ’
25 In another study , this time of one village Ringmer in Sussex , which had doubled in size from around 2,000 inhabitants in 1961 to 4,000 in 1971 , Ambrose ( 1974 ) found that the main reason for migration to the village had been for a job , or to be within commuting range of a job , thus confirming that the main reason for migration , as already outlined earlier in this chapter , is economic , but also that the most dominant newcomers are Pahl 's ‘ spiralists ’ .
26 The major benefit would be in raising awareness of this potentially devastating condition .
27 He was rude to officials and contemptuous of backbenchers less successful in their careers than he had been since becoming MP for Putney in 1979 .
28 If the national curriculum were about bringing difference Into the open instead of separating the desirable from the undesirable and suppressing the latter , we might see more people who are confident in their identity and can integrate from the basis of knowledge and strength rather than one of weakness .
29 And it 's worth getting hold of the booklet , Health Advice for Travellers , published by the Department of Health ( ) .
30 If a whole family is included on the invitation it 's worth adding No. of persons …
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