Example sentences of "be [noun sg] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Analysts such as Anderson ( 1984 ) , Frisby ( 1985 ) and Callinicos ( 1985 ) have thus aggressively disputed Lyotard 's famous pronouncement that the contemporary scepticism before ‘ metanarratives ’ has been midwife to the birth of the postmodern condition .
2 I am clerk to the King 's Bench of the royal court of England .
3 Referring to the " past tragedy of another people " as it affected the " present existence " of the Palestinians , and addressing " the Israeli people , with whom we have had a prolonged exchange of pain " , the speech noted that " the occupier can hide no secrets from the occupied and we are witness to the toll that occupation has exacted from you and yours " .
4 The fifty pence went unclaimed and all had been witness to the head 's control of events .
5 The Manor ground has been home to the club for the last 67 years .
6 ‘ Political relationships are core to the way we do business , ’ said XHQ Government and Public Affairs manager Nick Butler .
7 In the personal social services field there has been reference to the need to encourage self-help and voluntary action to keep down the cost of providing professional social care .
8 Viewers did not seem to be repelled by the complexities of procedures — in fact many were intrigued — but there had been reaction to the sight of empty benches .
9 There has been restoration to the woodwork here .
10 If so , would that have been vanity to the point of sin — or merely preserving the Lord 's gift ?
11 In the end , of course , what is to count as data is whatever materials are grist to the researcher 's mill ; whatever it is that he or she wants to work with .
12 The decision by the Whig House of Commons to overturn the election of Samuel Swift in February 1694 to serve as MP for Worcester in favour of the man he had defeated , who happened to be brother-in-law to the Junto chief , Lord Somers , provoked demonstrations in the city , with crowds shouting " A Cheat , A Cheat , A Presbiterian Cheat .
13 There will also be opposition to the use of high quality agricultural land for golf courses .
14 The outcomes for each patient in the study sample were also measured : negative outcomes were considered to be readmission to the ICU or death during the same hospital admission .
15 Another minute and he would be broadside to the swell .
16 Apart from the large numbers of tennis fans expected on day one of the 1991 Federation Cup , millions more around the country will be witness to the day 's proceedings , courtesy of the BBC 's Radio I Roadshow .
17 Tribromoethanol has been reported to be irritant to the viscera of mice and this can cause intestinal problems and death .
18 In the public sector there has to be accountability to the public or the client .
19 Some women , on the other hand , freed by the menopause from fears of unwanted childbirth , interruption of sexual life by menstrual periods and what they have seen to be slavery to the body in this respect , have always found themselves to be sexually released by the climacteric and have enjoyed sex more afterwards .
20 One rectangular building straddled the compound fence with an annexe attached on the inside from which there did not appear to be access to the compound .
21 But there would be access to the roof , if only for care and maintenance .
22 Let us work till every sailor become a Christian missionary and every seaport a Tyre whose merchandise shall be holiness to the Lord and every ship a floating church " .
23 It would be grist to the mill of the tabloids if anything so bizarre happened next week , especially after the kind of meticulous preparation all tournaments of this magnitude can expect .
24 The wish had to be father to the belief , the belief to the conviction .
25 And in the same year the First Booke of Songes or Ayres of foure partes of the greatest of all English lutenists , John Dowland ( 1563–1626 ) , was printed ‘ with Tableture for the Lute : So made that all the parts together , or either of them severally may be song to the Lute , Orpherian [ a species of cittern , tuned like a lute ] or Viol de Gambo ’ , a confused description which conceals the condition that the highest part must be sung .
26 How many visits did be pay to the island ?
27 Such ideas tend to be anathema to the Army Board , not because they are against the creation of stronger reserves ; nor because of the difficulties of finding barrack accommodation and training areas in the cramped and over-populated British Isles ; but because the units withdrawn from the Continent would become vulnerable to pruning in some future retrenchment programme — reserves are always the first to go when cuts are demanded , since their size is based on subjective rather than objective judgments .
28 The Collector was obliged to lift his heavy frame out of the chair on the verandah and advance to stand by the altar table , for he was to be godfather to the child .
29 A statement of law based upon facts which either were not found to exist in the case or were found not to be material to the decision .
30 The internationalization and concentration of capital would not be material to the control and regulation of corporate crime if transnationals were well behaved .
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