Example sentences of "be [conj] if [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The trading implications of these partial derivatives are that if the spot price or the risk-free interest rate is expected to rise , F - S grows bigger ( that is , the basis weakens ) and , if F > S , the basis will widen ; while if dividends are expected to rise , F - S gets smaller ( the basis strengthens ) and , if F > S , the basis will narrow .
2 I suppose one of the key factors of my whole industrial career has been that if an opportunity comes up , I grab it .
3 The initial reaction has been that if the Chancellor is only taking out a token sum in higher tax , then the scope for further cuts in interest rates has been severely diminished , and fixed-rate gilt-edged stocks were marked sharply lower .
4 Normally , you know where your husband 's been but if the husband 's away and you go in you do n't know where he 's been do you ?
5 233 seems to be that if a wife signs a security document at her debtor husband 's request , the creditor will be unable to enforce the security unless either the debtor or the creditor has taken positive steps to try and ensure that the wife understands the import of the security documents or unless she has obtained independent advice .
6 It might be that if a bird tried to defend too large a territory the amount of energy it would gain from its territorial habit would actually decrease , as it spent more energy on extra defence than it gained from extra food supplies .
7 The assumption in the third comment may be that if a change occurs and you do n't see it happen , then it must happen when you are not there .
8 However , it may also be that if the clause is drawn so widely as to be capable of applying in unreasonable circumstances , or if it purports to exclude a liability which can not be excluded under the Act , the court may find it unreasonable to apply it to other circumstances ( see Walker v Boyle [ 1982 ] 1 All ER 634 ) .
9 It is clearly impossible to anticipate every eventuality , but the guiding principle must be that if the source of difficulty does not lie in the implementation of a selected strategy and is not being assessed during the conduct of the investigation , then assistance can be given .
10 The gist of this view seemed to be that if the book were ‘ good enough ’ , the girls would not notice .
11 The general approach , however , would be that if the warranty or indemnity was in all other respects identical to that of other vendors , the para 9(3) ( a ) , Sch 5 , TCGA 1992 exception would be regarded as satisfied .
12 The first is that if a country 's economy can support a widespread increase in per capita income , then people will move out of the " lower " classes and these may become less significant in population and marketing terms .
13 The main thrust of the standard is that if a parent controls an undertaking ( the standard includes the new definitions of parent and subsidiary undertaking introduced by the Act ) , it should be consolidated , and only in exceptional circumstances should an undertaking controlled by a parent be excluded .
14 Such a case was not pleaded or included in the judge 's summary of the issues : the nearest the issues come to such a claim is that if a conflict of interest arose , the defendants ‘ would inform [ the plaintiff ] of the conflict and , after due consultation with him , resolve it . ’
15 Hollier is an extreme case , but its lesson for the drafter is that if a clause is intended to exclude liability for negligence , it should expressly refer to negligence .
16 The advantage for the butterfly is that if a bird seizes it by the wings , and is reminded of some earlier unpleasant experience with the species and its toxin , it will release the insect unharmed : a bluejay that has never seen a monarch butterfly will readily catch and eat it ; but within 15–30 minutes the toxins in the butterfly 's body cause the bird to vomit , and one such encounter is sufficient to make a bluejay avoid monarchs thereafter .
17 The problem is that if a hotel reneges on its contract with a tour operator , there is little else the tour operator can do other than take legal action for breach of contract .
18 The most perverse element of the English system is that if a child is not called , the hearsay rule pre vents anyone else — a parent , doctor or policeman — from repeating in court what the child said out of court .
19 In Stones [ 1989 ] 1 WLR 156 ( CA ) , Glidewell LJ said that : " The mischief at which the section is clearly aimed is that if a burglar has a weapon which he intends to use to injure some person unconnected with the premises burgled , he may nevertheless be tempted to use it if challenged during the course of the burglary and put under sufficient pressure . "
20 ‘ My view is that if a union like the AEEU , with a million members , was outwith the TUC , for the first time in the history of the trade union movement there could be a rival centre to the TUC .
21 A major disadvantage of a lexicon-based system is that if a word is absent from the lexicon then it will be rejected by the system .
22 Many constitutional lawyers have thought that the respect in which the problem differs under the constitution of the United Kingdom is that if a power of legislation be denied to Parliament in a particular respect , then an intolerable hiatus would exist in the legislative power — there would be some laws that nobody could enact .
23 And the extra reward is that if a dog learns to sit when he sees a child , it means he does n't jump up .
24 My point is that if a player wants to play for Leeds , and has no wish to leave , they should nt have to FOR FINANCIAL reasons .
25 It 's not necessary to keep *me* happy — everyone is free to say what they like — my only concern is that if a complaint about serious abuse ( or whatever ) went in , those with their finger on the button might look dimly on a footie fan list .
26 Another welcome gain is that if a husband 's income is too low for him to use all or part of the married couple 's allowance , he can request that the unused part be transferred to his wife — thus reducing his wife 's tax bill .
27 My attitude is that if a band manages to release a second album of poor songs four months after their first album left number one in the charts , it is n't worth the rush .
28 The second problem with knitting too many rows of tuck is that if a needle is n't knitting ( and , when tucking , it is n't ) it pulls up the knitting on the needles either side of it and can prevent them knitting off correctly .
29 The essential concept is that if a trigram does not exist then an approximate ( non-zero ) value is calculated based on the lower order transitions .
30 The truth is that if every car on the road were powered by a similar engine , we could all breathe more easily .
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