Example sentences of "be [adv] do [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Supposing then that there was water with bloodstain in it , when somebody went to the toilet , urine , pass their urine , where , where would the damage be then do you think ?
2 Now your second question must be where do I get my information from , how do I keep up to date ?
3 And why you are here do you like it ?
4 Our problem with society is how do we cope with that ?
5 What the High Court or what the local authority have to consider is how do we protect the welfare of those children ?
6 What I 'd like to do now is how do we compare the allowance and the expenditure .
7 What I want to know is how do they do it ?
8 The most popular question of the moment is how do I upgrade my machine .
9 Erm , so do ho if if the question is how do you react to so- and-so , you 're answer may very well depend on whether you 've just stubbed your toe , against the pavement as you got off the bus .
10 Well the first question I want to ask you is how do you feel you got on in those presentations .
11 So it 's excellent here , but we know that it 's at a variable , and I think the problem that you were probably facing is how do you secure a a better rate than that .
12 The question is how do you break into the cycle and make that happen , and I think the answer is , as I said , in two ways — one by making teachers more aware during their period of initial training , either at college or at university or polytechnic , and secondly by looking very carefully at the amount and type of in-service training erm that goes on for teachers once they 've left college and are in the schools .
13 The question is how do you break into the cycle and make that happen , and I think the answer is , as I said , in two ways — one by making teachers more aware during their period of initial training , either at college or at university or polytechnic , and secondly by looking very carefully at the amount and type of in-service training erm that goes on for teachers once they 've left college and are in the schools .
14 We might as well be councillor and actually sort of erm stated the problem to which it is very difficult to find a solution and that problem is how do you keep council rents below nine and a half percent , that is a problem to which councillor does not have a solution .
15 Sometimes as adults if a child for instance asks the question ‘ what is death ’ it is very easy to go into quite a long diatribe about life and death and get really profound , whereas in fact all a child may be wanting to know is how do you know if somebody 's dead , how can you tell the difference between somebody being dead and somebody being asleep ?
16 The question Brenton appears to be asking , and it is surely as relevant to himself as to his characters , is how do you live after faith and hope have gone ?
17 The question is then do we use up more future benefit in the earlier years than in later years ?
18 do n't worry about Scott 's how do you spell opin oh opinions , right
19 the question you 're asking is when do we decide our priorities ?
20 ‘ What I want to know , ’ she said in a voice as cold as ice , ‘ is when do I cease to be your mistress and become your wife ?
21 If you are , what I want you to do is to , to create a , a team plan and the first thing we need to decide in that team plan is where do we wan na get ?
22 Erm on er , Alton Towers which you brought up again er the question is where do you stop ?
23 Erm e mainly it 's where do I put the emphasis .
24 Oh we do n't keep things like that it 's where do you live ?
25 It certainly , it 's certainly do you know that erm , er Rachel is thirty two on er
26 if you remember the question that the founding fathers faced was how do you create a government which is strong enough to endure and to defend the nation and defend the country yet a government which is not so strong that it erodes the rights of individuals within it , this is the , the essence of the , the problem of government as , as the founding fathers saw it .
27 I 'd like to just bring you back to the first question you asked , which was how do you define sexual harassment .
28 What he did n't say and you did n't pick up was how do you get the screwdrivers underneath the nail head without damaging the wood , seeing as nails are usually driven in flush with the face of the timber .
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