Example sentences of "be [conj] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You have made me great with your love , though I am but one among the many , drifting in the common tide , rocking in the fluctuant favour of the world .
2 He knew he was disappointing where the riding was concerned , although no one had actually told him so — the whole business of being as one with the animal he rode seemed to elude him .
3 The trouble with the menopause is that everyone around the woman going through it suffers too .
4 ‘ The result is that everybody in the area is delighted . ’
5 The first point to note is that we in the UK import more walnuts ( and Brazils ) in the shell than out .
6 As Craig slowly recovers one thing that really upsets his parents is that no-one from the council has bothered to see them about the accident or to ask how craig is :
7 The problem with this approach is that everything in the current political scene can be redescribed as the first phase of class struggle .
8 One is that something about the dream itself ( its illogicality perhaps ) makes it difficult to remember , and the other that there is something about the physiological state in which we find ourselves when first woken up that makes remembering difficult .
9 No I quite agree , I also agree with the lady who said that one of the important things is that you like the person , I well speaking from experience , I started out liking somebody
10 The first thing you learn up in Kisumu is that none of the churches are large enough to hold the large congregations attending Mass .
11 The trouble is that none of the three firms is nearly as Japanese as the owners would like it to be .
12 He added ‘ The problem with the 88000 , although it 's a fine component and runs perfectly , is that none of the main manufacturers of development machines ( Hewlett-Packard , Sun , IBM ) are using it .
13 The first thing to be said in relation to the merits of the appeal is that none of the parties to the appeal , all represented here today , opposes it .
14 The problem here is that none of the gas , water , or electric supply lines must cross over each other .
15 I think the point , I think the point we 're making is that none of the districts yesterday told us that to meet their figure in H one they would need to have a new settlement , for example , I well remember Selby saying to us if we go above our H one figure we would need a new settlement , but they did not say to meet our H one figure we would need a new settlement .
16 So it 's not just the , the standard middle peasant who is being protected , it is if you like the well to do middle peasant who 's being protected .
17 that 's if you like the the big picture .
18 Things went a bit flat among the cakes for some … but that 's as nothing to the one recurrent nightmare for the organiser
19 Pete 's guess was that everybody in the valley knew something about her by now , and nearly all of them would know that she was staying in his house .
20 The problem was that nobody from The Smiths camp was prepared to actually inform the band of this decision , and it was left to Easterhouse manager John Barrett to discover the sad truth almost by accident .
21 The problem was that none of the pilots were really confident of their navigation , the sand storm having obliterated the landmarks they were relying on .
22 When they founded Training College one of the strictures was that none of the teachers should be the intellectual equal of the priest , so certain writers were frowned upon .
23 The most interesting feature of the tests was that none of the recipients was aware of any smell coming from the smears .
24 His reasoning was that none of the men who were conceivable successors were of sufficient stature to reign — he talked privately about his " monarchy " — without the legitimation of popular election .
25 I 'd grappled up the slope on foot just before and knew how steep and icy its surface was and which of the bigger rocks had to be dodged because they would foul the car 's underside .
26 If a section was held responsible for an offence ( as it was if someone outside the section was offended ) the victims would hold the section responsible ; but even though the section shaikh made the peace , he had no power to collect from the lineages in his section : he had to get the agreement of the lineage shaikhs , and they then collected from their members .
27 And the reason it was a landmark was because nothing in the show itself was a cliché .
28 And yet his knowledge was as nothing beside the compulsion that drove him to see her again .
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