Example sentences of "be [conj] [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 In fact one of the things that 's most disturbed me about some of the recent discussions that have taken place in the great debate has been that on the one hand people have talked about educating people for adult life and learning more about the way people earn their living , learning more about industry , more about productive things , and on the other hand they 've been talking about maintaining standards .
2 The , the , the best defence you could make of that , if you wanted to make a defence of it , would be that in the nineteen twenties and thirties as we 've been seeing in the lectures , I 'll be saying a bit more about that some psychoanalyse was , was developing .
3 The only difference appears to be that in the one case there is consent and in the other there is not .
4 A possible explanation is that during the 1950s and 1960s , before Aldabra became a scientific reserve , commercial fishermen from the Seychelles living on the island hunted goats with dogs at night .
5 The fact is that on the five station network in the office , file and printer sharing are transparent to the user .
6 Another factor which may influence the chances of conventional videodisc players is that in the 1990s , the collection of high quality , permanent recordings of movies and other programming might appeal in a way it never could in the early 1980s .
7 All you need to know about Brian is that in the Sixties one of his friends send him a postcard of planet Earth with a message saying : ‘ Wish you were here . ’
8 ‘ Something else that people forget is that in the twenties swimming was strictly segregated , ’ he recalls . ’
9 The answer is that in the one case the is aspirated ( initial in ‘ turn ’ ) , and in the other case it is not ( being final in ‘ might ’ ) .
10 The only difference is that in the 1950s and the 1980s the Conservatives had more than 10 years to cure the ills of the economy while in the 1970s they had but four .
11 The first and most important consideration is that in the forty years since 9 August 1945 , despite the fact that all the nuclear powers have been involved in wars at one time or another , nuclear weapons have not once been used militarily .
12 An interesting point is that in the three leading models , those of Cournot , Bertrand , and Stackelberg , the NE outcomes are identical to those traditionally derived ; only the reasoning underlying the derivation of those equilibria changes .
13 One of the main theses of the regulationist school is that in the 1970s/1980s there has been a decisive shift from Fordism ( named after the company in which its introduction is most famed ) to neo-Fordism .
14 Dr Horn 's assessment is that by the 1790s the southern farm labourer 's standard of living had been falling for thirty years , and that an increase of around 85 per cent in money wages over the war years kept it just about level up to 1815 .
15 One measure of this demand is that by the 1950s direct expenditure on goods and services by government was on average just over 20 percent of GDP .
16 He was the first European to win a Masters title and the difference between him doing that and Tony Jacklin winning the US Open in 1970 is that by the Eighties there were other talents ready to be inspired by the Ballesteros achievement .
17 It is difficult to know about the social morality of the peasantry in the early part of the Tokugawa period , but what is clear is that by the 1850s a relatively homogeneous set of social norms prevailed throughout the peasant class , and that their value system was strongly influenced by the agrarian experience .
18 Hanns Ebensten commented , apropos some of these letters , that ‘ If both John and I sound rather like silly fairies , it is because in the 1940s that is generally how young homosexual men behaved — only later did the male macho style of gays hit the scene .
19 Pickups , hardware , controls and circuitry are as on the four and 5-stringers , with the familiar 24 frets on an ebony fretboard .
20 The significant difference was that by the 1750s this speculation in land looked like making good sense .
21 Unfortunately , the end result of it all was that by the '60s Hawaiian music was regarded with pretty much universal contempt .
22 Oh absolutely , yes I 'm not arguing about that , and as I said , heaven forbid that should happen , erm another point I did pick up from one report was that in the eight years war , and you 're quite right , the Iraqis are battle hardened , but the Iranian air force apparently could n't bomb Iraq to any great consequence except for the first few weeks of the conflict .
23 The actual outcome was that in the twelve months ending in December 1986 the money supply rose by 109 per cent ( the highest on record ) and the cost-of-living index rose by 90 per cent .
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