Example sentences of "be [adv] not [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A practical lexicographer , however , would probably draw his line in a different place from ours : he might well argue that phrases such as fish and chips , bread and butter , etc. , while undoubtedly slightly opaque in the technical sense , present few problems of interpretation to speakers familiar with the normal constituent meanings of the parts , and are thus not worth listing .
2 The Prime Minister won a strong ovation when she added : ‘ The trouble with Labour is that they 're just not at home with freedom .
3 Freddie : we 're just not in love any more
4 FUNNYMAN Freddie Starr hugged his wife Sandie yesterday and said : ‘ I 'm afraid we 're just not in love any more . ’
5 Well , you 're certainly not in uniform tonight ! ’
6 His attachment to the ‘ theory of courage ’ made him believe that the Western world in his lifetime had been short not of wit or of strength , but of will .
7 If you 're so keen to see people who are as you , as you say articulate and and a go , in council houses it does seem an extraordinary argument to say that that those people are automatically not in need , it seems very bizarre argument .
8 ‘ I 'm still not in business . ’
9 Our star players are simply not for sale . ’
10 Some things — love , sex , God , bodily functions — were simply not for discussion .
11 indeed , was beginning to increase at an alarming rate — the resources to meet the challenge were simply not to hand .
12 Wherever they were General Erskine 's thoughts were certainly not in accord with the French in Vietnam .
13 They were therefore not in breach unless they failed to exercise due diligence .
14 It is perhaps not without significance that Wulfhere 's queen was Eormenhild , daughter of Eorcenberht , king of Kent ( 640–4 ) , a marriage probably intended to bring the Mercians more closely into association with the Anglo-Frankish world of the Kentish court at a time when their kingdom was being Christianized under Wulfhere .
15 It is perhaps not by chance that the first Greek book to speak extensively about the Jews was written by an adviser of Ptolemy I in the years in which he was campaigning for the conquest of Palestine .
16 The former is patently not in keeping with the CAB 's open-door policy and results in unintended rationing of advice to other clients .
17 You can see that on busy days it is just not worth fishing there .
18 ‘ The real question is not the rights and wrongs of the death penalty , because that 's just not worth debating .
19 It 's just not like home , at home .
20 Its position as the Epic of the Romantic Age is still not beyond question , firstly because it is treated simply as a verse autobiography , and secondly because it combines poetry and philosophy .
21 But now the end is still not in sight .
22 For Dorothy is still not in focus , and one begins to think that she never will be , even if the correspondence of the Pounds ' later years is some day published .
23 The fact that the patron of the movement was the Duke of Edinburgh is also not without significance .
24 Durability is also not in question .
25 Even if by chance we happened to conceive of just these members of the series , it is surely not in virtue of that fact that they count as correct continuations .
26 Ryland Davies is a fluent and musically amiable Jenik , but he is plainly not at home in the long and crucial stretches of middle-to-low register that Smetana throws at him ; and the same is true of David Owen 's otherwise rather stylish Vasek .
27 It is however not in curriculum thinking that Fullan 's major contribution is to be found , but rather in the issues he raises about the nature of change as a process in educational terms , and the implications these have for managers in the service .
28 ( 5 ) Where a licence is granted by a board which has not been properly constituted or is otherwise not in accordance with the Act , the licence is void .
29 They [ theoretical differences ] are not resolved really ; they continue as quite big arguments ; and there are quite big camps really of those who believe in theory and those who believe in scholarship , I suppose ; and we pretend that you can just muddle along and it does n't matter , but the crunch comes at things like marking exam papers , because if you 've got a student who 's heavily into theory , writing for a marker who 's heavily not into theory , then they tend to say things like ‘ oh , he 's just read Terry Eagleton , so blah blah blah ’ or ‘ she 's just read Cate Belsey and regurgitated that ’ so someone can get a bad mark because they 've written for the wrong person .
30 Mr Shepherd 's comments are also directed at Charity workers who he feels would be better off sending help to Croatia which is currently not under siege .
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