Example sentences of "be [adv] [adj] [verb] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 The inner-city schools are most likely to have larger numbers of Afro-Caribbean and Asian pupils , and the education system is failing to provide for their special needs because of underfunding .
2 I do not believe that these anomalies are sufficiently important to justify further organisational tinkering , to the detriment of the APB 's ability to get on with its work .
3 In general terms the narrow range of investments are fairly , very safe and secure investments , but they are ones which are less likely to secure higher returns but of course also , less likely to secure risks of low returns .
4 Perhaps , in contrast , migrants are people who are willing to consider a wider range of course options because they are more likely to see broader gains , such as personal development , from participation .
5 Oh , younger men are more likely to use coarser tones and be more explicit erm although they would n't use those sort terms to their father or elder men , and the women are more likely to use euphemisms like Spend a penny , Powder your nose and things like that .
6 Lone fathers tend to be older than lone mothers ; there are more West Indian and less Asian families headed by a lone parent ; they are more likely to have lower incomes and to live in local authority housing than two-parent families .
7 Vernon ( 1971 ) argues that over a period of time , and particularly as a new technology matures , host countries are more able to drive harder bargains with the TNCs that wish to invest in them .
8 They are also likely to have greater need for heating than other groups , because they spend more time at home .
9 The institutions are now prepared to lend larger multiples of income , and higher proportions of the purchase price .
10 And they are as likely to get worse as to get better .
11 If they are already nervous — if , for example , a predator has recently been harassing them underground — they may be less inclined to endure further stress and make a bolt for it as soon as the ferret shows itself .
12 And master sausage makers like John Walton say a good sausage can be very healthy using leaner meat and fresh ingedients .
13 And because of the surfeit of accountants forced to look for work ‘ outside ’ , employers are increasingly able to offer poorer terms .
14 As healthier mothers they were perhaps able to bear stronger infants .
15 Some of the first Americans to urge a tougher anti-Soviet stance were also quick to see closer relations with Britain as an obvious corollary .
16 Nevertheless , the rapid uptake of the technology , with the implications this has for very substantial job displacement in some sectors , even if matched in the longer term by job creation elsewhere , is highly likely to create further problems for the economy and for society to handle .
17 Already , in some parts of the country , it 's difficult to find a cleaner that uses the CFC 113 process because many have installed new equipment in time for the ban , according to the Textile Services Association , and the situation is only likely to get worse .
18 These strands do not continue throughout the levels because it is not possible to specify further measurable stages of development in these abilities , and it would be cumbersome to repeat them unchanged throughout the remaining seven levels .
19 At the moment the consumer is not prepared to pay higher prices .
20 Above all , do n't hide the problem , it is not likely to get better on its own .
21 It is more practicable to provide higher concentrates in powder form .
22 In addition , paid holiday entitlements are more generous , having increased from 2 weeks in 1963 to 4 or more weeks in 1985 ( Geofile No 118 1988 ) , car ownership is more common giving greater access to the countryside and greater affluence means that finance is available for enjoyment purposes .
23 Sexton quoted in Ranson ( 1990:115 ) argued that " it supposes that the wisdom of parents , separately and individually exercised , is more likely to achieve higher standards more quickly and more acceptably to the public than the collective wisdom of present bureaucrats , no matter how well-meaning those bureaucrats may be " .
24 Mr Clarke is also keen to avoid further conflict with GPs .
25 Intarsia is normally thought of only in terms of four-ply jumpers but is also effective using finer yarns such as would be used for the vest top or T-shirts .
26 However , scheduling will not only protect the site from damage through property development , but is also likely to prevent further archaeological excavations being carried out — at least without special government authority .
27 The catsuit in the picture above costs a cool £1,760 , but it is n't impossible to find cheaper alternatives .
28 The Society is particularly anxious to encourage younger persons to offer contributions for the symposia .
29 He exhibits a number of adjectives which differ in precisely the way required while maintaining the same or essentially the same lexical value ( we modify his examples slightly where it is possible to do so without damage to his case , so as to make the distinction sharper ) : ( 19 ) visible stars vs stars visible the only navigable rivers vs the only rivers navigable a handy tool vs are your tools handy ? guilty people vs people guilty As it happens , the examples which Bolinger uses employ words which can make the distinction a rather subtle one , with perhaps the exception of visible stars ( a group recognized astronomically ) beside stars visible ; but it is quite easy to produce further instances which seem to confirm his view : ( 20 ) a complaining visitor vs a visitor complaining the eligible bachelor vs the bachelor eligible In other cases , the divergence of lexical value between the two positions may be greater but still with the characteristic value for the former , and the occasion value for the latter : ( 21 ) the responsible man vs the man responsible a sorry sight vs the girl is sorry He notes that the acceptability of an adjective in pre-adjunct position may apparently depend on whether or not it can be regarded as indicating a relatively enduring characteristic of what is expressed by the noun , as in : ( 22 ) the faint girl vs the girl is faint an asleep man vs a man asleep This possibility of course depends not only on the adjective itself but also on the nature of the noun being qualified , so that " when one scratches one 's head the result is not *a scratched head but when one scores a glass surface the result is a scratched surface " .
30 It is quite common to insert further provisions prohibiting the offeree group from entering into contracts or commitments involving more than a stated sum or for a longer period than , say , a year , or entering into other transactions which are outside the routine course of trading without the consent of the acquirer .
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