Example sentences of "be [adv] [adj] [verb] such " in BNC.

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1 These drugs are only likely to cause such problems if they have been taken continuously , at high doses , for some months .
2 I am not going to suggest to him or to the House that I am not prepared to pay such a visit .
3 We are not obliged to publish such information , and when we do we are entitled to make a reasonable charge .
4 Organisations can afford to miss orders or propose later deliveries and are not obliged to exercise such rigid control upon their labour costs .
5 We therefore ask the assembly today to authorize the panel to prepare a leaflet explaining the church 's position to parents who are not communicant members and who are not willing to become such but who neverth s still which baptism for their child .
6 We are not able to recover such interest payments from our opponents .
7 Will she also confirm that secure accommodation will also be available where local authority homes are not able to provide such accommodation because of lack of funds ?
8 We 're not likely to experience such treacherous driving conditions many more times this year , but the benefits of all-wheel drive in the wet or dry are still undeniable .
9 For reasons we shall see in a moment , discount houses are always prepared to buy such bills .
10 Respondents are always reluctant to admit such deficiencies ; questions must be phrased so that they seem quite acceptable , e.g. ‘ Which brand of washing powder did you buy last ? ’ might become ‘ Can you remember which brand … ? ’
11 The argument suggests that the participation of the TNCs in Third World countries can only be assured when they have an ‘ acceptable ’ business climate in which to operate , and that BA regimes are more likely to provide such a climate .
12 The reason for this is not only that these organisations are inherently unlikely to broadcast such material , but also that they are subject to different controls as to the content of what they broadcast .
13 Patients with complete lesions are also unable to generate such high abdominal pressures .
14 And I know that I 'm incredibly lucky to have such tremendous energy .
15 I later learned that those who would be most keen to read such an account were precisely those who had been at the game .
16 I 'm so sorry to cause such a lot of trouble but I did n't know what else to do . ’
17 In the first place , they presuppose that classes correctly perceive the constraints of their situations and modify their strategies accordingly , and Poulantzas elsewhere acknowledges that it would be extremely rash to make such an assumption .
18 They suggest that any average person would have some feelings of hopelessness in response to the sorts of provoking agents they describe , but that women with low self-esteem would be less able to handle such feelings and more likely to allow them to generalise .
19 But they fear that next year it will be more difficult to take such action , when European Safety Standards , less stringent than Britain 's , come into force .
20 It would be totally impossible to share such cramped quarters with a man — and such a very masculine man .
21 It would be almost impossible to ban such remarks in a court of law , but there is no reason why a judge should not be empowered to say that , in an appropriate case , the name of the person maligned should not be repeated in the press .
22 She believes it would be politically inept to cut such training programmes at a time when the jobless total is rising fast and will soon top three million .
23 His distrust of federalism has to be very great to make such absurd claims .
24 One did not , moreover , have to be very rich to cultivate such an outlook .
25 It can be very flattering to receive such requests , and they may make a difference to the author 's perception of the requester .
26 Directors who tread the border between realism and fantasy — Hitchcock , Powell , Polanski — are particularly likely to use such effects : for a repressed memory ( Gregory Peck 's false doctor in Spellbound , 1944 ) ; for repressed alcoholism ( David Farrar 's Sammy in The Small Backroom , 1949 ; USA Hour of Glory ) ; for repressed sexuality ( Catherine Deneuve 's mad Belgian girl in Repulsion , 1965 ) .
27 The syndicate are n't willing to find such money , so the Captain must wait .
28 Ten years ago when I began researching into the role of women in trade unions , it would have been quite surprising to find such a subject included in a sociological textbook .
29 When confronted with the prospect of a nuclear holocaust , peace campaigners sometimes search for a legal expression for their moral outrage , and some layers are indeed able to offer such legal comfort .
30 The restriction was upheld by the Privy Council which rejected the argument that Deacons were only entitled to protect such part of their goodwill as would be threatened by Bridge if he were to set up in practice on his own account , ie that part of the firm 's goodwill as attached to the particular department in which he had worked .
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