Example sentences of "be [adv] [verb] in [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 the possibility that higher rates of income tax are merely reflected in higher gross salaries ) .
2 The interior is more elaborate , but has also been more altered in later ages .
3 The races are usually staged in smaller towns .
4 Moreover , the lexical access mechanisms are usually embedded in larger systems , and their success depends on both the performance of the lower level acoustic-phonetic components and on the predictive or selective abilities of the higher level syntactic and semantic components .
5 Shopping for one can be difficult — pre-packed goods are usually sold in larger sizes
6 Weeds are kept under strict control within the borders , although , as the food plants of the red admiral , peacock and small tortoiseshell butterfly caterpillars , nettles are positively encouraged in wilder areas .
7 All the exemptions are also covered in greater detail in Corporate Finance Briefing I.7 ‘ Exclusion from investment advertisement regulations ’ .
8 The descriptions therefore are also found in earlier works dealing with Theodoric II of the Visigoths , Charlemagne , and other historical characters .
9 During summer and autumn dace are often located in shallower runs between streamers .
10 It has been substantially altered in later periods and has a largely classical , dull exterior .
11 Figure 34.1 opposite illustrates the channel options , which are now described in greater detail .
12 The court took the view , which was to be expressly repudiated in later cases , that although there was jurisdiction to entertain the action against the German corporation , this did not give the Californian court jurisdiction over persons or property in Germany .
13 The couple had lived at the bungalow since 1938 , but were rarely seen in later years .
14 They were rarely situated in poorer districts , required a membership fee of up to £1 , which the poorest could not afford , and did not allow ‘ tick ’ or sales bacon , etc. ) which the poor were forced by low or uncertain incomes to buy .
15 The evidence from elsewhere in America and Britain is that exhibitors increasingly took the masses for granted and were always investing in better and better cinemas so as to hang on to the more respectable lower middle-class audience .
16 All activities were more curtailed in older and male sufferers than in those who were younger and female .
17 Over 100 more Tamils were reportedly killed in further reprisals against refugee camps and villages on Aug. 12-14 .
18 It sold spare parts that were never stocked in larger shops .
19 The abridged edition is widely used in smaller general libraries , specifically school libraries and small public libraries .
20 The concept of financial accountability and how it should be achieved externally , through financial reporting , and internally , through managerial accountability is then considered in greater detail .
21 The child who does not learn to ask is seriously impaired in later life .
22 In due course they were put into service on the South Metropolitan system and their subsequent history is therefore described in greater detail in the section dealing with that undertaking .
23 President Bush , under a drizzle of criticism , was finding his nominee for the CIA directorship , Robert M Gates , was so implicated in earlier bits of skulduggery as to be a tough item to sell .
24 Doubtless because of strong objections from the distaff side , Becke 's truly Christian comment was not repeated in later editions .
25 Growth in voluntary sector provision , with which CMHTs were also associated ( see below ) , was similarly concentrated in smaller scale housing-based services .
26 If the pebble moves on the desert floor new facets may be formed , giving rise to the three-crested or dreikanter form , the importance of which was probably exaggerated in earlier literature .
27 This finding , that reduced sleep in the short-term has little effect on performance , was subsequently confirmed in later work .
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