Example sentences of "be [pron] [to-vb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Am I to watch another woman sink into her grave for want of a little compassion ? ’
2 Am I to have two bedfellows again these warm nights ?
3 ‘ I do not presume to make any claim , who am I to read such riddles ?
4 ‘ And how , ’ demanded Hugh over his midday table , ‘ are we to take this chapter of wonders you 've been unfolding this morning ?
5 How are we to take these declarations ?
6 So how are we to reach any agreement now , at the end of the 1980s , on the function of education , what it is for , what needs it must meet ?
7 How are we to explain these cases of pattern generation within homogeneous tissues ?
8 Or are we to suppose that Capitalism having been displaced by Socialism in the Marxist version , work with all the disagreeable characteristics which turn it into toil or boredom will have been reduced to the bare minimum necessary to sustain society and that a consequent and vast increase in the leisure will enable us to fulfil ourselves ?
9 " Are we to gather that Dreadnought is asking us all to do something dishonest ? "
10 After all , who are we to disbelieve these events which have occurred in the lonely box during a night shift when the wind wailed and buffeted the timber structure ?
11 All other doctrines are very secondary to that , and the question is are we to express that reality or must we continue to obscure it .
12 Finally , I said , ‘ Well , if you will not meet Mrs Castle , how are we to make any progress ?
13 ‘ Yes , but how are we to get these facts ? ’ demanded Benedict , turning to him .
14 Others , ostensibly , are there to follow these rules .
15 Something has obviously got to be done to make sure that these simple shelters , which are there to offer overnight shelter for anyone in need of it , are not used for holiday centres and the like .
16 There seemed to be nothing to stop nuclear disarmament that summer , when Eisenhower arrived at Geneva and made his ‘ open skies ’ proposal as a confidence-building measure .
17 A wide range of other indoor and outdoor activities means that there should be something to suit all tastes .
18 My Lords , er the principle of co-option has been described as by a number of Your Lordships as an extension of principal of democracy , but I call on my experience not as er of a year as er Minister for the Police under my Noble Friend Lord Whitelaw , but my three years as Minister for the Prison Service er and er in that er service , there was erm in each prison a Board of Prison Visitors and I observed during that time that the membership of the prison population was becoming increasingly black , but that the membership of the er Boards of Prison Governors was remaining stubbornly white and I er put it , I made it then that I thought there should be something to redress this balance er the system is as it were a supervised co-option , the local er Board makes a proposal and the Minister approves or does n't , but also I had to refuse five successive of proposed co-options of white members to an all-white prison board for a prison which was predominantly black in population because it was alleged there were no suitable black people available .
19 That is , are they to comprise entire movements , to be principal episodes , or to be only very secondary interludes ?
20 Were I to tell that story to my own son and tell him too of the subsequent shame and guilt that haunted me for months and is still so deeply etched in my memory , he would laugh and wonder what it was all about .
21 I would be grateful were you to bring this Mass to the attention of the people through your parish bulletins .
22 Nor can we believe that were we to allow this application , potential future witnesses would be deterred from co-operating in investigations yet to come or the police feel inhibited from giving future reassurance as to the consequences of such co-operation in the self-same terms as at present .
23 Were we to suppose that life was purposive , that everything was part of a planned progression due to culminate in the appearance of man or some other creature that might rival him in dominating the world , then the echinoderms could be dismissed as of no consequence .
24 The rearing of vast numbers of animals that will never live out their natural span , and that are killed for human purposes , will only seem immoral if ( yet again ) there is a confused identification with similar programmes were they to involve human beings .
25 The hon. Gentleman would address the problem more accurately were he to acknowledge that fact .
26 There 's nothing to beat that sense of a victory achieved by your own efforts .
27 Nor does it impress Freud to be told that religious propositions are ‘ as if ’ types of proposition , and that one should live ‘ as if ’ it were true that there were gods , or God , for there is nothing to lose this way .
28 There is nothing to stop such organisations offering to pay the costs of libel actions , and editors deciding whether to settle will bear in mind the strength of the organisation behind the plaintiff .
29 Where no quorum is laid down in the standing orders , common sense must prevail even if , legally , there is nothing to stop one member continuing with the business !
30 For the really determined walker there are two Government-run hotels or pousadas in the mountains , which are so isolated there is nothing to do each day but hit the trail .
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