Example sentences of "be [pron] [noun] on the " in BNC.

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1 Here are my notes on the recent form of the top châteaux :
2 Less obvious are their effects on the more ‘ normal ’ policies for controlling legitimate capital transfers and the remission of dividends and investors ' other financial transactions .
3 What are its effects on the visual interpretation of remotely-sensed images ?
4 having lived on the flats erm what are you views on the actual policing of them ? or not ?
5 Are there limitations on the classes of persons who can give consent ?
6 Arriving at Napo , I discussed plans for collecting with the INIAP technician , José Baquero , who was to be my assistant on the project .
7 ‘ If selected it would be my swansong on the international scene and a great way to bow out , ’ said Ward .
8 Furthermore , we have the unimpeachable information of his pupil Posidonius that he was invited by Scipio to be his companion on the diplomatic journey to the East about 140 B.C. ( fr. 30 Jacoby ) .
9 Despite the shock that he must have felt as he drove to what he expected to be his hangar on the morning after , he has shown himself to a man of warm priorities : ‘ People and their problems are more important than airplanes , ’ he has commented .
10 He offers us His Holy Spirit to sustain our faith , to be our companion on the dark nights and lonely days .
11 So we 're looking for two additional representatives on this parish council to be our nominees on the management committee , and the management committee will present us with proposals to buy the ground in due course .
12 A new Benjamin and Elizabeth Titford were , in a sense , rising out of the ashes of the old ; they and their children — Benjamin James , William , Henry Joseph , Charles Frederick and Emily Jane — will be our companions on the next stage of our journey .
13 One of the great services which McGavran has rendered to the missionary enterprise has been his insistence on the need to gather objective and accurate data in order to disperse the fog in which it has operated for so long .
14 The other major contribution to missiological thinking by McGavran has been his stress on the corporate dimension of the decision-making process .
15 Throughout his personal battles , and those for others , she has been his ears on the world .
16 However , as some of the non-payers are members of the Labour party and are his colleagues on the Opposition Benches , how can he blame the Government for the fact that people have decided of their own free will not to pay a tax ?
17 and also you know when Janet 's doing a stint because you can see if Barbara 's smokes well me and Jenny had a do that week and then you , it were my birthday on the Wednesday were n't it ?
18 The government subsidy made it likely that the staff of the two papers were less worried about pushing up sales than were their counterparts on the then Lonrho-owned Standard .
19 The only sounds were his footsteps on the stairs , the slamming of her front door followed by the noise of his car engine as it roared away from her flat .
20 When it is my turn on the sledge the experience is incomparable .
21 Why is my paper on the floor ?
22 His team are already 4–2 down to Moscow Spartak and , after seeing them allow Tottenham to win a game well in Liverpool 's grasp , Souness said : ‘ I 'm disappointed because it is my job on the line .
23 ‘ All right , so it 's my head on the block , ’ Manville conceded .
24 It 's my birthday on the thirteenth .
25 A mere dot on the map of Tuscany , the greatest asset of Ponte Agli Stolli is its position on the edge of two of Tuscany 's most renowned areas Chianti and Valdarno .
26 This appealing and influential writer condemns Augustinian spirituality — with what he believes is its over-concentration on the Fall and sinfulness — in favour of what he calls ‘ creation spirituality ’ .
27 The unique feature of ergonomics is its emphasis on the characteristics of human operators and their relevance to the design of work .
28 The most valuable aspect of the aversion defence is its emphasis on the context and purpose of publication .
29 A dominant characteristic of the location-factor school is its focus on the particular features of areas in order to explain their relative fortunes .
30 Here is her footprint on the path leading towards the city .
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