Example sentences of "be [prep] the [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Now they and their mothers could share more things because they had been through the same experiences — something that happens with older mothers and their parents as well .
2 Well , Walter had been through the same things , but he wanted to put them down on paper .
3 Lash and Urry are amongst the few commentators we have reviewed who recognise that the middle classes are those best able to indulge in , and benefit by , this emergent form of culture .
4 Moreover , historians who are teaching computer methods are under the same pressures as their counterparts in humanities computing departments to justify their activities .
5 I have been in the same circumstances myself , and it is no fun .
6 The cross members and bulkhead outriggers are in the same places and it fits straight on .
7 ‘ And she thinks the leaking vessels are in the same places as before , which I suppose is good news .
8 The first two paragraphs of both letters are in the same terms as follows :
9 These restitutionary provisions are in the same terms as the corresponding provisions of section 5 .
10 From my viewpoint , major upgrades have to be worth the few pounds it might cost .
11 In other cases of non-compulsory transfer the parties will probably still be under the same constraints about fixing the price .
12 erm Sadly it wo n't be with the same riders we had last year , but the riders we 've brought in I 'm sure will erm , under the forty points erm give us a good team .
13 I think I would commend LIFE to you , but it will be with the same conditions and terms as we did last year , with which they did comply .
14 It 'll be along the same lines
15 I guessed we might be in the latter years of her reign — Shakespeare would still be alive !
16 A tendency has sometimes been observed for several successive eruptions to occur with noticeable periodicity and for successive thermals to be in the same places each time .
17 It seems to be on the same lines do n't it ?
18 This perspective leads to the conclusion that in the absence of clear words to the contrary , the hypothetical letting will be on the same terms as the actual letting .
19 He made her angry , but subconsciously she would have liked his approval , would have liked to be on the same terms with him as Joanna was with Ian .
20 The weakness in passenger traffic , which fell 8 p.c last year , and operating losses have not prevented the airline from launching the most successful expansion programme among European airlines so far , in a bid to be among the few groups which are expected to survive deregulation over the next few years .
21 Effectively this means that the previous dealings must have been on the same terms and a consistent procedure must have been followed .
22 Garlic , cloves , chives , tarragon , peppers and even nettles are among the many ingredients often combined with mustard
23 If you are among the many pensioners who had their pension deferred ( in other words you put off receiving it ) as a means of escaping the earnings Rule , you have the choice whether to start claiming your pension or to continue deferment .
24 Our data indicate that cytokines are among the many proteins that bind to endothelial surfaces in a GAG-dependent fashion .
25 Handicrafts are among the few activities that employ Indians on their reservations .
26 This imagery is even more extraordinary when one considers that in this country , the Christian Churches are among the few places of worship where women can go whether they are menstruating or not .
27 Too few mass literacy campaigns have even acknowledged this fact ; Grenada , Zimbabwe and Burkina Faso are among the few exceptions .
28 It was built in 876 , and those ancient parts of the church that remain are among the few fragments from that time that still exist , not only in Milan , but also in Lombardy .
29 The local transmissions of the External Service were for the many expatriates working in the country who understood little or no Swahili .
30 The Sleeping Saloons of the same era were of the same dimensions and weighed about 40 tons .
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