Example sentences of "be [prep] [be] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 So I think it it is an issue that perhaps has n't been addressed in our discussions erm hitherto and and and seems to me from from past evidence to sugg to be an issue that does need to be to be looked at .
2 Now if we are going to say that this rolling programme , we we do n't mean this rolling programme because it it 's all going back to committees again to be to be looked at then we are putting our at a disadvantage they will disband and the cost to us for refurbishment will increase .
3 Some of these artifacts are to be seen at Henley Town Hall .
4 They are to be seen at Di Meo until mid-March and until 20 March together with the paintings of Christian Henry in the Salle Saint-Jean of the Hotel de Ville .
5 Art and sights straight out of the history books are to be seen at every turn , yet now these are modern cities too , alive with their own 20th century energy and enthusiasm .
6 Counterparts of other types of crystal defect may also be found in a ‘ convection lattice ’ ; dislocations are to be seen at P and Q in Fig. 22.2 .
7 Nonetheless certain advances can be made at the national level , and given that politics and governmental power are still largely national in scope certain advances must be made at that level if they are to be made at all .
8 Final results of the Shooting Times awards are to be announced at a prize-giving lunch at the London Dorchester Hotel on March 23 .
9 THREE hundred workers are to be sacked at GEC Communications ' Chelmsford factory .
10 The draftsman should next consider whether the conditions are to be fulfilled at the time of the service of the notice or at the end of the term .
11 If they are to be fulfilled at the time of the service of the notice then , for example , the landlord may not be able to rely on a breach of covenant to decorate " in the last year of the term " since no breach of that covenant can be positively asserted until the expiry of the complete year .
12 On the other hand , if the conditions are to be fulfilled at the expiry of the term , the tenant will have the opportunity to remedy any breach of covenant between the service of the notice and its expiry ( Simons v Associated Furnishers Ltd [ 1931 ] 1 Ch 379 ) .
13 It may all come down to Clark if Oakland are to be kept at bay .
14 If spending and the community charge are to be kept at acceptable levels , staff numbers have to be kept under better control than that .
15 For example , in Figure 17.7 , if interest rates are to be kept at r and money supply at Q 2 , the excess demand for money Q 1 — Q 2 can be eliminated by rationing .
16 ( 9 ) The partnership books are to be kept at the place of business of the partnership ( or the principal place , if there is more than one ) , and every partner may , when he thinks fit , have access to and inspect and copy any of them .
17 Give Way signs are to be erected at one of Darlington 's most dangerous junctions the intersection of Willow Road and Pierremont Road .
18 A curriculum is a state document establishing the subjects which are to be studied at a school of a particular type , their distribution by grades ( years ) and the number of academic hours per week and per year given to each subject .
19 Five hundred NHS patients waiting for plastic surgery are to be treated at private hospitals , as part of a Government initiative to cut waiting lists .
20 Initially these instruments are to be recorded at the net amount of the issue proceeds .
21 In an initiative to be launched next month by tennis consultants Brian Hewitt Associates , in conjunction with the ITF and supported by a major sponsor , old tennis balls are to be collected at 2000 ball banks around the country and shipped to third world countries for additional and subsequent use .
22 The data are to be collected at the Patent Office in London .
23 Two hundred new jobs are to be created at a bakery to meet a big increase in demand for its cakes and confectionery .
24 Fourteen new jobs are to be created at a Chilton factory set for big expansion .
25 FOURTEEN new jobs are to be created at a Chilton factory set for big expansion .
26 The remaining 63 are to be created at the Bo'ness sewing centre .
27 All parking signs have now been placed in position as requested by the Committee , and we are assured that twelve parking places are to be delineated at the Nursing Home end , which should alleviate the parking problem .
28 After some initial hesitation it now seems to be generally accepted that the value should be assessed at the date of the conversion ( though it should be noted that in other contexts the courts show some resistance to any universal rule that damages are to be assessed at the date of the wrong ) .
29 In general , then , children are to be assessed at the end of each of the key stages ( i.e. at 7,11 , 14 and 16 ) ; at the first stage , the assessment will be in the three core subjects , but at subsequent stages , it will be in all the foundation subjects .
30 Seven hundred jobs are to be lost at Ford 's plant at Halewood , Merseyside , and 740 at Dagenham , Essex .
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