Example sentences of "be [prep] [det] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 These shrubs were cut of fat ground level so that stools developed from which new shoots emerged — the stools can therefore be of very great age , having been through many cycles of cutting .
2 The car has been through several variations of engine size , but now like an ageing but still beautiful dowager , repeated facelifts can no longer wholly hide the ravages of time and progress . ’
3 It 's that sort of change that I think is extremely significant , and I think it happens for women very much at that stage , when they have been through those sorts of experiences themselves , so one way in which I think that we can change things is — and help people to change things for themselves — is very much to support and develop those kinds of second change erm access , returning to education , returning to work , type projects as very much part of mainstream education and employment , and I would like to see a much greater range of those sorts of projects available for people and erm a lot more government resources into supporting that kind of provision .
4 The ‘ normal minimum admission standards ’ listed in these tables are for many areas of study a realistic indication of the grades likely to be required and applicants who hold these grades stand an excellent chance of being made an offer , eg for most degrees in the Faculty of Arts , the Faculty of Science and Engineering , and the less pressured areas in the Social Sciences such as Nursing Studies or Social Policy .
5 Furthermore , to the extent that a tendency has developed to disbelieve policemen , who are after all officers of the law , it marks a serious deterioration in the quality of the administration of justice .
6 The Crime Survey is a victimisation study and its main conclusion is one that has been noted , in a less systematic way , many times before : working-class crime is a problem , and it is a problem for the working class , since they are its principal victims , as they are of all types of crime :
7 Now if you want to decrease the frequency , say at evenings , and you wanted a twenty minute service , you can see that you 're in all kinds of muddle .
8 If she had been like most women of her time she would never have gone to Navron or kept Willian ( the Frenchman 's servant employed .
9 ‘ Well , I 've always been into all kinds of guitarists , ’ Guy explains .
10 Yet , all in all , farming and the farm remained visibly what they had always been in most parts of the world : more prosperous in the developed areas , and hence investing more heavily in improvements , buildings , etc. , more businesslike in many places , but not transformed out of recognition .
11 Bishop Konstant told the TV reporter : ‘ It is an area where there are great needs , as there are in many parts of Leeds , great social needs — but I think the publicity it has been getting recently is quite unbalanced and it is a good thing to see another side to it .
12 Indeed , statistics reveal just how remarkably consistent European Tour players are in all areas of the game .
13 Once again , the more militant the unions are in both types of industries , the greater will be the resulting rate of inflation .
14 A marble and a stalls back seat could be worth several minutes of noisy bagatelle .
15 I 'm against some sorts of professionalization , but it would be silly to think that the university should have nothing to do with any profession .
16 It was important too , that these lay people should be from all walks of life , from different age and social groups , and comprise an even mixture of both sexes .
17 I 'm only sorry it had to be in such circumstances of stress .
18 Now how how you work it on your scheme or whatever scheme comes up , it just seems to me that if you are going to have self-regulatory body , there 's got to be responsibility for it and how you impose that responsibility , could I 'm sure be in all sorts of different ways .
19 Okay there might be in all sorts of ways , in terms of equality , in terms of socialism , it 's , it 's all a bit dubious erm but the other reason for taxing down is that , let's face it , the majority of peasants as we , as we saw last week are still poor and if the Communist Party is wanting to maximize its revenue , if it was gon na say okay we 're not gon na tax anybody at under six or eight hundred erm you , you 're gon na take out er half the population and you would have to get that income by taxing the rich even harder and that would be a disincentive .
20 It can be in all sorts of ways .
21 Apparently he was getting a divorce , and Rosemary was already planning the wedding and her honeymoon trousseau — such as it would be in those days of strictly limited clothing coupons .
22 The insurance valuation of the contents was probably lower than it should be in these days of rising prices , but if it could be taken as a guide and the amount split in two it might be regarded as fair .
23 The focus here , however , will not be on these issues of politics and crime prevention .
24 Brighter showery weather will replace the rain in the west and by evening this brighter weather will be over all parts of Northern Ireland .
25 Beryl Davies has been to several meetings of the Shropshire A. S. M. group .
26 The mechanism by which animals might integrate these various events , spread out as they usually are over several sessions of training , and by which the critical conditional probabilities might be computed , are not considered .
27 Sudden bursts of anger over wrongs and grievances by seamen were common enough in the eighteenth century — over wages at Southampton in 1739 , Bristol in 1746 , London in 1750 , 1768 and 1770 and Liverpool in 1762 and 1775 , and over the employment of foreigners at lower wages in London in 1773 and 1783 , are among those incidents of which we have evidence .
28 Age and gender are among those variables of declining significance .
29 Professor Dudek had envisaged the series coming out in paper covers ( the format that was just becoming the way to the mass market ) ; Leonard ensured that it went into hard ; Dudek had not meant the books to be prestigious in format but vehicles of introduction ; Leonard saw to it that his book could stand alongside the best that there were from both sides of the Atlantic .
30 I had the dubious pleasure , after Second Reading , of trying to pilot the House of Lords reform Bill through the House many years ago , when we found that the divisions were on both sides of the House and any idea that one could timetable or guillotine soon went out of the window .
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