Example sentences of "be [adj] than a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Natural highways they may be , but while some ridges are broader than a motorway , others resemble a tricky combination of obstacle course and tightrope walk .
2 Even if you 're better than a master you still have to wait .
3 maybe no only they 're more than a year .
4 we 're , we 're more than a quarter .
5 They rap , they rock ( rack ? rop ? ) , they 're tighter than a miner 's shopping budget , they scare the shit out of the entire convention with a brutality that could put Rollins to shame and they are so flabbergastingly right for 1992 they ca n't possibly fail to sell , ooooh , millions .
6 The sense of satisfaction was bigger than a prop 's ribcage ; the problems had been fewer than a hooker 's braincells .
7 Erm but they are colder than a caravan !
8 But if you are less than a writer of near genius , can you by simply describing what your policemen do , hold your readers spellbound ?
9 If anyone is less than a metre behind you , you lose a point ; if you are less than a metre behind anyone else , you gain a point . "
10 ‘ No , Miss Eyre , you are less than a servant , because you do not work , ’ replied Miss Abbott .
11 For Sonny , those dramatic events are less than a blur .
12 Elections are less than a month away , and Mr Anguita is probably Spain 's second most popular politician after the Socialist Prime Minister , Felipe Gonzalez .
13 County council elections are less than a week away , and one of the key issues is bound to be the state of our schools .
14 ( b ) If the elements addressed by A and B are smaller than a word , we are ill the realm of the character string operations of 2.5 .
15 Full colour TV cameras are now available that are smaller than a packet of Polos whilst the definition of monitors is better than ever .
16 ‘ What with missing sleep and everything else , my nerves are more than a bit wrung-out , I 'm afraid . ’
17 You are more than a grandmother .
18 And that misuse of the aerosol sprays is probably responsible for about three thousand five hundred deaths , but I think you 've got to put that into perspective , first of all against the six thousand people who are killed on the roads every year in Britain , and you 've also got to set it against our estimate that there are more than a quarter of a million people alive today who would have died in childhood if it had n't been specifically for the advantage of being able to take medicines , anti-biotics generally in their childhood to keep them alive .
19 They are more than a spark but less than a small fire and exporters have high hopes .
20 If there are more than a handful of lawyers doing personal injury work get a member of the support staff to compile and distribute a monthly newsletter .
21 No doubt you 're very switched on , when it comes to good productivity but in case , like me , you are more than a touch muddy , here are some helpful hints .
22 ‘ Others have understandably wanted to recoup their investment and the rents they are asking are more than a student can afford on a £750 a term grant . ’
23 A court that tries to decide as Parliament would have wished is more likely to be right than a court that follows the words believing it was not what Parliament intended .
24 It would be easier than a password if you need to check out changing the
25 Most characters are simply sketched types rather than carefully constructed characters : the beautiful young wife , either licentious or honest but nearly always cunning ; the prostitute ; the husband , more often foolish than wise ; the lover , more likely to be clever than a husband is .
26 Although my hand may be bigger than a lot of people 's , it 's still a hand — it 's not a block of wood .
27 What could be nicer than a summer picnic ( preferably involving a bicycle ride ) of fresh baguette , ripe Brie or Camembert and a bottle of vin de table ?
28 A moorland parish will obviously be larger than a parish in a fertile area that was densely settled in early times ; a church that was an Anglo-Saxon missionary centre will usually have a larger parish than one that was founded later .
29 how long the employment was going to last in the absence of sickness ( a short-term contract is more likely to be frustrated than a job expected to last for the foreseeable future ) ;
30 Because what could be braver than a lion ? ’
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