Example sentences of "be [adj] at that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mehmed el-Fenari ; and he not unnaturally concludes that Molla Fenari must still have been alive at that date .
2 Yet it is worth reminding Catholics that when Paul in the New Testament refers to the saints ( hagioi ) he means the church people who are alive at that time .
3 I mean , if it 's just that you 're too close to it and you do n't want me to look at it , there are people I know who 're good at that sort of thing ; they can see the wood from the trees ; they could — ’
4 ‘ Yes , yes , you 're good at that sort of thing , ’ said Dorcas .
5 It would have been hard at that point not to be ejected from the train .
6 things that children are innocent at that age .
7 There would n't have been many at that time in the morning .
8 And it 's only the people who become , well I mean , I was gon na say sort of gold medallists and the Olympics who are good at that sort of thing because the best in the world , yeah .
9 Perhaps yeah I think you must have been airborne at that stage to be er , had such a enormous flame going up into the balloon .
10 None of them could have been happy at that time .
11 You do have people from both sexes , of equal abilities and potential strengths , and it would be possible at that stage to have a training pool of people , which perhaps , er redress the balance , and perhaps er gradually have available many people , but you can only do that , if people come forward without skills that you need in order to train them into the jobs .
12 Erika , who had never set eyes on Hetta in her life , stoutly agreed , and even Paul , making a dishevelled appearance , said with his new courtliness that he would like to meet her , causing Frau Nordern to raise a sceptical eyebrow and warn him not to be sarcastic at that time of the morning .
13 The ACP will then consider the report at its next meeting , and it may be that you would like to be present at that meeting .
14 Staffing was included , though a ratio of 50:50 between expenditure on salaries and materials , thought to be reasonable at that time , has since been distorted by a much greater proportion of expenditure going to staffing .
15 if I happen to be awake at that time , then yes , but , if I do n't have
16 The precise foci of Stage II of the research will be settled on toward the end of Stage I in the light of the ideas , analyses and opportunities which will be available at that time .
17 ‘ There is no reason to doubt that money will not be available at that stage , and the public inquiry is still going ahead as planned . ’
18 Section 33(3) requires the court to have regard to all the circumstances of the case and in particular to : ( a ) the length of , and the reasons for , the delay on the part of the plaintiff ; ( b ) the extent to which , having regard to the delay , the evidence adduced or likely to be adduced by the plaintiff or the defendant is or is likely to be less cogent than if the action had been brought within the time allowed by s11 or ( as the case may be ) by s12 ; ( c ) the conduct of the defendant after the cause of action arose , including the extent ( if any ) to which he responded to requests reasonably made by the plaintiff for information or inspection for the purpose of ascertaining facts which were or might be relevant to the plaintiff 's cause of action against the defendant ; ( d ) the duration of any disability of the plaintiff arising after the date of the accrual of the cause of action ; ( e ) the extent to which the plaintiff acted promptly and reasonably once he knew whether or not the act or omission of the defendant , to which the injury was attributable , might be capable at that time of giving rise to an action for damages ; ( f ) the steps , if any , taken by the plaintiff to obtain medical , legal or other expert advice and the nature of any such advice he may have received .
19 I 'm surprised at that Rog cos we 've
20 It is expected that there will be a capacity audience , but if any seats are available at that time non-members may be admitted for £1.50 .
21 Griffith could not prepare or test fibres thinner than about a ten thousandth of an inch ( 2.5 m ) and , if he had , it would have been difficult at that time to measure the thickness with any sort of accuracy .
22 Now , that in a sense , would have fitted much much better into the Playhouse , and had we been open at that stage , there 's a jolly good chance that that show would have actually come to us rather than going there .
23 Telling him you were pregnant at that point in time was the height of selfishness , ’ he went on .
24 Er which were normal at that time .
25 So er the , was being unemployed at that time quite precarious ?
26 After dinner , it being light at that time until midnight , we took our friend into the hotel garden and , for possible use in the film , recorded him shouting German wheel and engine-room orders such as would have been used by Prien during the mission .
27 He maintained that the distribution of tillites and patterns of glacial striations produced by ice sheets during the Late Palaeozoic glaciation ( now termed the Gondwana Ice Age ) found in the now widely dispersed continental areas of southern Africa , Australia , South America , India and Antarctica indicated that these land masses were contiguous at that time and probably located fairly close to the South Pole .
28 In 1949 many West European states joined America in making the NATO alliance and there were some at that time who believed in forging an ‘ Atlantic community ’ .
29 We know from the appearances that you were present at that enquiry .
30 All Nottinghamshire Conservative Members were present at that debate , and they voted against the Bill .
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