Example sentences of "be [adj] at a time " in BNC.

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1 The campaign aimed at the general population had been right at a time when there was ignorance about AIDS , she said .
2 To buy a second engraved copy at 24 livres , which was about 5 per cent of the cost of a good harpsichord , would have been extravagant at a time when copying was cheap .
3 ‘ But the renovation and running costs would be high at a time when the council is being threatened with poll-capping and its budget desecrated by government cuts , ’ he said .
4 Above were the boarders ’ dormitories , a recreation room or two , the sick bay ( only one boy was allowed to be sick at a time ) and a small bedroom for Toby .
5 The actual rate of completion per annum over the last 27 years has been less than one half of one percent … thus even at several times the projected rate of progress , the great bulk of the conservation task will be incomplete at a time when the most vigorous additional demand is placed on land from massive upsurge of population .
6 It 's wrong for you to be alone at a time like this . ’
7 When it was first available 1-2-3 Release 3 was a product that was before its time — a 3D spreadsheet that allowed file linking and more than one program to be open at a time .
8 Not only do we need a strategic deterrent , but there is a strong argument that a sub-strategic deterrent continues to be relevant at a time when there is a real risk of several new nations appearing which have some form of nuclear capability and when we risk the proliferation of not merely equipment but perhaps technology from some of the scientific bases in the former Soviet Union .
9 For example it is well known that asthma and eczema are linked but what is frequently overlooked is the way that a person 's asthma can be bad at a time when their eczema is quiet and their eczema can be its worst when the asthma is quiet .
10 On this occasion , however , Kaifu had resisted the move , arguing that Cabinet stability and continuity were crucial at a time when the government was under pressure from the impact of the Gulf crisis and from the collapse of the " Uruguay Round " of multinational trade negotiations .
11 Well , I , I think it 's a sound idea , I think it 's sad at a time of local government reorganization when we 're likely to see authorities getting smaller , and yet the , the issues wo n't get any smaller , and the new authorities may well be having to look at ways of getting together with their neighbours to look at strategies which cover areas of the sort of size of the old county areas , and also getting together to , to , to meet , erm , organizations which will still on county-size boundaries , like Techs , and , and similar .
12 That is valuable at a time when farming is in difficulties .
13 I suppose it 's inevitable at a time like this , but now that the Inquiry has been set up my firm advice to everybody is er stop propagating rumours and er give any information which you think is relevant to the Inquiry .
14 ‘ The whole exercise is repugnant at a time when the popularity of privatisation is drastically on the wane .
15 The three properties can be explained on the assumption that a synapse will be potentiated if , and only if , it is active at a time when the region of dendrite on which it terminates is sufficiently depolarized .
16 The appetite for travel tales was insatiable at a time when so many young people were taking the chance of good fortune in lands newly opened up , often in aided emigration schemes such as Kingston himself administered .
17 This Eurocentrism was inevitable at a time when in Europe only European history was at all well known , and Marx 's and Engels 's ‘ general ’ stages often read like little more than a generalized history of western Europe .
18 It is a theory whose plausibility and aesthetic attractiveness in England was considerable at a time ( the later 1970s ) when the English choral tradition was flourishing and when many sensed the need for a change of direction after the loss of David Munrow ; by a kind of happy accident it has proved to be consistent with a much wider range of evidence than was initially suspected .
19 This was important at a time when outvoters were a larger group in many constituencies than the size of the majority and when the outvoters were overwhelmingly Unionist .
20 This input of detail , with the emphasis on the need for guidance and care made the transition appear to be a period of effort , anxiety , and danger ; and such a representation was convenient at a time when social scientists , and others , were ‘ discovering ’ adolescence as a stage of life characterized by ‘ storm and stress ’ .
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