Example sentences of "be [adj] that some [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I am sorry that some others have apparently taken leave of their senses .
2 I am afraid that some jobs will now be at risk as a result of this . ’
3 Linda Edwards of the National Osteoporosis Society says : ‘ We 're concerned that some GPs do n't know about the different types of HRT .
4 Now I am sure that some readers will write to say that if the player is moving forward then if he drops the ball it must be moving forward also .
5 They may be unaware that some bureaux can arrange home visits .
6 When one recalls that for decades geography was not recognized as a scholarly discipline , one can not perhaps be surprised that some scientists have unsuspectingly spent their whole careers studying geography — rather like the well-known character of Molière who did not know that he had been speaking prose all his life !
7 It may be true that some dictionaries are more suitable for language processing than others , but such distinctions should not be based on size alone .
8 Ian Bond , the liquidator , said yesterday : ‘ Without the order , we were concerned that some litigants would have won summary judgment in their favour without us being able to defend ourselves properly .
9 It is possible that some elements of the Hooligan dress-style were derived from the clothes favoured by costermongers in mid-nineteenth-century London .
10 We have seen above that it is possible that some individuals may wish to work fewer hours and take more leisure as a result of an increase in the real wage .
11 The two 1973 elections , i.e. for Local Government as well as the Assembly , were held immediately after the advertising campaign and the electorate could concentrate on one method of voting , but since that time two Westminster elections were conducted by means of the X-vote , and it is possible that some voters may have been confused .
12 It is conceivable that some electors actually misled the pollsters , not in the sense of lying deliberately but in the sense of ‘ letting off steam ’ .
13 But at the same time it is clear that some periods display radical situational change , while others , in between these , are periods of relative situational stability , when day-to-day conjunctural movement assumes a more prominent position in the historical picture ( see Gramsci 1971 : 175–85 ) .
14 It is clear that some groups of animals , like the proboscideans ( elephants and allies ) , are much reduced now compared with the late Tertiary , both in variety and geographic distribution .
15 However , it is clear that some collocations only exist in particular inflected forms [ Schuetze , forthcoming ] .
16 From the present findings , described later , it is clear that some theses are quite widely consulted , and the majority lead to the formal publication of research results in journals and books which , presumably , reach a wider readership .
17 It is clear that some variables in English do function in a very general way : for example , variation between the alveolar and velar nasal in the present participle ending ( ing ) is universal and can be said to mark the whole English-speaking world as a single speech community .
18 I do n't think there 's enough evidence to bear that out as yet , but it 's clear that some companies are now ahead of their consumers in terms of what they 're trying to do and the products they 're developing .
19 The age span 65–100 is such that some families may have two generations in retirement , with young-old people as carers of very old parents .
20 The problem is such that some scientists are warning of increased skin cancers and eye cataracts in Europe and America as a result , as well as damage to crops .
21 Last night Labour MP Bridget Prentice said : ‘ It 's appalling that some judges excuse crime on the basis that some men have problems in their relations with women . ’
22 It is unfortunate that some speakers in the debate — for example , the Prime Minister — have cast doubt on the quality of the debate on these momentous issues in other European Community countries .
23 Whenever a CU is formed it is likely that some industries will flourish in certain countries as the market widens .
24 He says : ‘ While there is no doubt that the Causey Mounth once was a public right of way , it is likely that some sections of the route may have fallen into disuse . ’
25 Many of them are in old , dilapidated buildings , and it is likely that some authorities would take the opportunity to reduce surplus places by closing them .
26 Under these circumstances it is likely that some schools will be less willing to take pupils with special educational needs .
27 A small group of professionals , myself included , selected those books which we believed should be saved at all costs but , although we did this as conscientiously as possible , our combined subject knowledge was at best partial and it is inevitable that some books worthy of preservation were overlooked …
28 Given this wide range it is inevitable that some issues are overlooked in individual agreements .
29 In these circumstances we accept that it is reasonable that some trustees may feel that in the new situation produced by the tax the right course would be for the settled property to cease to be held on discretionary trust .
30 But he is confident that some announcements will be made by year-end on those who have decided to take up the offer .
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