Example sentences of "be [adj] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The second reason why conventional maps are unsuitable for the answering of the types of queries mentioned above is that the human eye and brain can not take in the amounts of information that would be present in the overlays and in the accompanying tables of figures and statistics .
2 Only after it is decided that company collection agencies are unsuitable for the job should outside agencies be contracted to fill in the gaps .
3 The tables on the South side of the Library are unsuitable for the consultation of colour illustrated books , and for leather bound books , until UV screening can be applied to the windows .
4 The figures in this series are complete for the period covered by this book apart from a short gap between 1403 and 1411 .
5 Both points of view are right if they are right for the person concerned .
6 ‘ On the other hand I think all the conditions are right for the challenge to be successful . ’
7 However , before taking this step , the organisation should consider whether these people are right for the job .
8 It would have been opportune for the committee to examine the whole purpose and function of A levels , to see whether they were needed at all ; or whether , if retained , they should be radically changed .
9 Our study also indicates that αβ T cells are unnecessary for the generation of apparently normal γ T cells .
10 These blood cells can release antibodies , which are specific for the target , home onto it like a guided missile , and kill it .
11 Make the most of British pork because prices are low for the time of year .
12 The police are grateful for the brewery 's support .
13 We are grateful for the opportunity to comment on CCW 's proposed hedgerow renovation scheme prior to its launch .
14 We are grateful for the opportunity to stress how very urgently we believe this MPG Note is in need of a fundamental revision .
15 We are grateful for the opportunity to stress how urgently we believe MPG Note 3 is in need of a fundamental revision .
16 We are grateful for the opportunity to comment on the revision of this important planning guidance note .
17 We are grateful for the opportunity to comment on the proposed revision of MPG6 .
18 We are grateful for the opportunity to comment on the proposals currently being considered by the Government for tackling the problems associated with minerals planning permissions granted in the 1950s , 60s and 70s .
19 We are grateful for the opportunity to comment upon these proposals and warmly welcome the Government 's clear desire to tackle the severe environmental problems associated with old minerals planning permissions granted in between 1947 and 1982 .
20 We are grateful for the opportunity to comment on the revision of this important planning guidance note .
21 We are grateful for the opportunity to comment on the proposed revision of MPG6 .
22 We are grateful for the opportunity to comment on this draft PPG Note .
23 We are grateful for the opportunity to comment on this important draft planning policy guidance note .
24 We are grateful for the opportunity to comment on the many important proposition for future policy and action by CCW contained in this paper .
25 Once the examiner 's powers are explained to directors they generally recognise the seriousness of their position and are grateful for the confidentiality .
26 A large number of disabled people take part in the Telethon and are grateful for the help they get from the telethon .
27 Mrs Tirebuck observed : ‘ Teachers are often expected to have an in-depth knowledge of science , so we are grateful for the help . ’
28 We are grateful for the Group 's advice on these points , which will be duly considered , together with any comments on them .
29 Acting chairman Dr James Smith said : ‘ He is an extremely busy man and we are grateful for the time and effort he gave . ’
30 ‘ But I do think the checking of permits has also had an impact on the numbers and we are grateful for the co-operation of the police .
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