Example sentences of "be [adj] [to-vb] them into " in BNC.

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1 You need to control the carrot and the stick , and only use them when you are prepared to put them into action .
2 At the beginning of book in , when describing the revolt of Lesbos in 427 , Thucydides says that the Lesbians ‘ had been wanting to revolt even before the war , but the Spartans had been unwilling to receive them into alliance ’ .
3 Different recognisers have different areas of strength and weakness , so it may be possible to combine them into one system .
4 According to ICL , notebooks have two distinct uses : first , they are a user 's only or main machine — so , it must be possible to plug them into a local network , and they must have the functionality of a standard personal computer .
5 Could he be afraid to put them into words ?
6 It is believed , however , that some early igneous rocks , which had to solidify from a molten state , are proof that some atmospheric gases ( such as carbon dioxide , nitrogen and water vapour ) had to be present to turn them into something approaching earthlike rocks and clays by a primitive ‘ weathering ’ process .
7 If your list of suspect foods is very extensive , it may be better to split them into two groups and try eliminating each group in turn .
8 His knowledge of classical music was very comprehensive — you only had to sing him a snatch of any symphony or concerto and he would be able to identify it immediately , but this is n't sufficient to get you up there in front of a hundred or more qualified musicians and be able to lead them into the opening bars of Beethoven 's 5th , or even the Warsaw Concerto .
9 I felt a little shy : all those things we had written — would I be able to translate them into physical action , into real , spoken words ?
10 Most importantly , when you meet work colleagues and friends , your springy step must be able to bluff them into believing that you could have managed two laps of the course .
11 To be able to change them into different fractions .
12 Any small hope held out to her by circumstances , or by her lover , is as a wisp which she can spin and twist into a thread , and if she gathers enough of these her feelings tell her that she will be able to bind them into a strong rope .
13 Are we gon na be able to get them into the right place ?
14 Would it be best to pull them into the alley ?
15 And if people and pupils do not fit the stereotypic formula , we will , I hope , be disinclined to maim them into conformity , but to adjust the dimensions of the bed to accommodate them .
16 It was only the office holding of the Stanleys which was threatened , but even that may have been enough to drive them into opposition to Edward by 1470 .
17 It was only the office holding of the Stanleys which was threatened , but even that may have been enough to drive them into opposition to Edward by 1470 .
18 The key leaders of NICRA arrived late , after the march had already started ; if they had any plans for preventing a clash with the police , they were unable to put them into operation .
19 Because we reinterviewed the same people at different times throughout the year , we were able to divide them into persistent readers of Tory tabloids , persistent readers of Labour tabloids , persistent readers of broadsheets and , finally , those who changed papers or read no paper regularly .
20 During the period 1560 to 1640 , virtually all these conformist English Protestants shared a set of common doctrinal beliefs , but in terms both of liturgical preference and intensity of commitment it is possible to divide them into two broad and fluid categories : a mainstream Protestant majority which was relatively content with the hybrid character of the Elizabethan church ; and a minority , labelled ‘ Puritan ’ by their contemporaries , which aspired to bring about further reform of that church in the direction of continental Protestantism .
21 While each college is to a large extent sui generis it is possible to divide them into three main groups .
22 And while the injunctions are subject to unwitting acceptance , it is impossible to call them into question .
23 The French fabliau Boivin de Provins , for instance , treats the prostitutes just as one source of sexually desirable and available women , and laughs with the man who is able to con them into providing him with a whore for free .
24 There are many variations in temperament and it is difficult to classify them into strictly defined groups .
25 Each man had grandiose visions , Neither was able to turn them into reality but , for better or for worse , they had a lasting impact on the Middle East .
26 The staff were amazed at how quickly she grasped the various issues and was able to slot them into the incredible filing system of her memory .
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