Example sentences of "be [adj] [subord] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Make sure that the dumb-bell bars are lower than the top of your chest .
2 Earn outs are impractical if the business will be operated as a division of the purchaser rather than a stand alone subsidiary .
3 That would have been absurd because the word , ‘ converts , ’ itself implied that the bailee had done something with the bailed goods which was not authorised by the terms of the bailment .
4 She would have been asleep if the fly had not returned to her hand .
5 Duncan had been asleep when the policeman burst into the room to give him the news that Leeming had been found .
6 Moreover that growth has been greatest where the decline in manufacturing employment has been least — that is , in the regions of ‘ the south ’ .
7 Mr Smith , they added , had been depressed since the death of his father 11 years ago , and he found it hard to work the farm alone .
8 Work by Bagnold has shown that the pressures are greatest when the pocket of trapped air is thinnest and that when the dimension of the pocket at right angles to the cliff reaches half that of the depth of the pocket the pressure is negligible .
9 Many nations are apprehensive because the treaty establishes no controls to prevent the ruthless industrial and trading practices that built Japan 's pre-war commercial empire .
10 In isolated word recognition only substitution errors of the meet/meat kind are possible since the beginning , ending , and duration of the word are known .
11 Longer addressing times are possible because the display need not be refreshed at TV frequencies while it is read on the screen .
12 A Management Committee consisting of ERA , GDC , our contract architects , and TSA was established to run the project and this part of the project highlighted that ‘ genuine partnerships ’ are possible when the determination to succeed is there .
13 We 've found it best to glue the wheels onto the axles with superglue and wait until they are dry before the pin is added .
14 The method had found unburnt paraffin in the person 's lungs , thus suggesting that the person had inhaled paraffin and so been alive when the fire started .
15 ‘ I 'm told that he may still have been alive when the murderer , or murderers , hammered the shaft through his neck and into the floor of the hut .
16 This has been possible because the phrase ‘ sufficient interest ’ is very vague and leaves it largely up to the courts to decide what interests are sufficient .
17 This significant increase in industrial concentration through merger activity would not have been possible if the government had been operating a tough anti-merger policy .
18 A much smoother implementation of this system would have been possible if the team had been involved much earlier and/or more forward planning for computerisation had been possible .
19 I am sorry if the Minister finds it difficult to understand that , when I say ’ personally ’ in this respect , I mean that I am expressing my view and the view of my party .
20 But their solicitor says their chances are slim unless the law can be changed .
21 Such combinations make up the particles known as mesons , which are unstable because the quark and antiquark can annihilate each other , producing electrons and other particles .
22 Carrying a tray of glasses would have been easier if the floor had been stable but I made it to the far end with only a lurch or two and delivered the goods as required .
23 Coping strategies which are sometimes suggested , like making a mental agreement with yourself or even an actual arrangement with the other party , to stand over an arm 's length away and promise not to move from your spot , are sensible if the temperature really soars .
24 These results show that there is a higher complication rate if there are features of Crohn 's disease but that the medium term functional results are acceptable if the pouch can be retained .
25 Tess had been calm since the baptism and she remained calm .
26 The specific policies and rhetoric have been different as the occasion demanded .
27 It would have been different if the trapdoor had been the actual door of the furnace ; or if the coffin had been dragged by visible human operatives ; or if it had gone smoothly , as by the hand of God or the power of irresistible mechanical principles .
28 The result might perhaps have been different if the money was in a collecting box .
29 The court commented that the situation could have been different if the property concerned was of a very high value , or of an unusual nature , ( eg industrial property ) so as to impose too great a risk upon the surveyor if he accepted liability .
30 Ward , the world No 2 looking forward to being packaged as ‘ Dazzling Daz ’ , has been unemployed since the sale of his father 's butchery business and still lives with his parents .
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