Example sentences of "be [adj] [prep] him for " in BNC.

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1 also accompanied the group and special thanks are due to him for his organisation and for looking after the Grantham pensioners welfare .
2 Mr. Spearing : Is the Leader of the House aware that those who are concerned about this matter are grateful to him for referring to the Select Committee 's report of two years ago and that we look forward to the Government implementing the intention that they stated at that time ?
3 But a wider public , both inside and outside the University , are grateful to him for the windows he has opened up to them , through his recent chairmanship of the Friends of the Welsh National Opera , through his talks and articles , and above all through his learned , wise and witty discourses on Wagner .
4 I am grateful to him for gentle handling .
5 I am grateful to him for drawing my attention to that .
6 The particular question that my hon. Friend raises is for my right hon. and learned Friend the Attorney-General , but I am grateful to him for reminding me of the precise statistics with which it is always sensible to be armed in any conference on the agreement .
7 I am grateful to him for pausing for a second , at the end of a busy day , to take note of and observe the great benefits to his constituents and those of my hon. Friend the Member for Thurrock ( Mr. Janman ) as a result of the establishment of the new trust .
8 My hon. Friend has made the point clearly and I am grateful to him for doing so , in view of which I do not think a debate is necessary .
9 On his first point , I am grateful to him for his confession .
10 I am grateful to him for what he has just said .
11 At present , other matters are proceeding , but I can tell the hon. Gentleman — I am grateful to him for seeking clarification — that in respect of a further order for type 23s , I expect that to be at a broadly similar interval comparing this with the previous order that was placed .
12 I did n't I mean I know I 've been married to him for thir twenty five year but did n't know her all that .
13 You are responsible to him for your actions . ’
14 He is clearly rather tired of preaching the design gospel when it has been evident to him for many years the fundamental role it plays in good business practice .
15 I think the Algerians have been angry with him for some time and are prepared to let Polisario have a free hand . ’
16 I shall always be grateful to him for not giving me the usual reply of an adult to a curious child 's questions , ‘ You 're too young to understand . ‘
17 One has to be grateful to him for intervening personally .
18 ‘ It ca n't be much fun living next door to Dersingham and having to be grateful to him for having given you a living .
19 Shannon knew she should be grateful to him for leaving his warm bed to rescue her from what could have been a perilous situation , but , clasped in his arms like this , she felt both rebellious and faintly ridiculous .
20 In truth , she should be grateful to him for coming to her rescue — instead she could barely bring herself to be civil .
21 Anyway , whatever I may have thought about his methods of bringing it about , I 'll always be grateful to him for my wife ! ’
22 It made her feel that he wanted her to be grateful to him for marrying her .
23 Now , I 'm a pro footballer , I 'm grateful to him for pushing me so hard . ’
24 In the four Ryder Cups in which I 've been the Captain Seve has played in every round and I 'm grateful to him for that .
25 He was difficult sometimes — maddening sometimes — but he had , I always thought , a curious innocence of character so that you could n't be angry with him for long — and I found him always stimulating to be with — talkative , bursting with ideas and comments — and for a great deal of the time — just plain good fun to be with .
26 He would have liked her to be indebted to him for something .
27 She was n't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing she dared not be alone with him for even a few minutes .
28 the resources which he could expect to be available to him for the purpose of meeting the liability should it arise ; and
29 In relation to clauses which impose a monetary limit on damages recoverable in the event of breach of contract , the court is also to take into account : ( a ) the resources which [ the party seeking to rely on the clause ] could expect to be available to him for the purpose of meeting the liability should it arise ; and ( b ) how far it was open to him to cover himself by insurance .
30 She did n't want to be obliged to him for another lift .
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