Example sentences of "be [adj] [verb] [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is one of four units run by the agency , which comes under the Department of Social Security , which are due to close next month .
2 Its fabrication skills will be called on for later iterations of the chip , the 0.5 micron 603 , the 604 and the 300 Specmark-to-500 Specmark 620 , all of which are due to arrive next year .
3 The first inmates are due to arrive next month , and they 'll benefit from some of the best facilitites in Europe .
4 The first inmates are due to arrive next month , and they 'll benefit from some of the best facilitites in Europe .
5 Digital Equipment Corp 's final R-series RISC-based Ultrix machines are due to ship next month .
6 Digital Equipment Corp 's final Mips-based Ultrix machines are due to ship next month .
7 An RAF base which had been due to close next year as part of the Government 's defence cuts is stay open and be taken over by the army .
8 The expression " by post " includes ordinary post , though it may be preferable to use first class .
9 No one no one could say that they could endure noise , and it must be awful to live next door to it .
10 I 'm due to go next week .
11 That a college like the James Watt should be prepared to play second fiddle , should never patronise but should be ready with sensible advice when asked for it .
12 Er , thank you , Mr Chairman , to me erm , this went on from the first paper that chose the effects of the food and management of the er , the fire local services , whereas carried through and it will be interesting to see next year er what the situation is , in order to the position of the as it were , this year , benefit of everything that has previous administration .
13 After some physiotherapy I hope to be fit to play next week in Telford . ’
14 With a capital investment fund , and yet here you are trying to have to borrow to be able to manage next year .
15 No they wo n't let you go , you 'll be able to go next year with your school .
16 ‘ That way Britain will soon only be able to pay Third World wages , ’ he said .
17 Is this the last tree , annual tree planting in that area , or will there be more to do next year ?
18 I should think there 'll be more to do next year , because , you know , four thousand trees sounds like a lot , but in fact there 's thousands upon thousands .
19 Erm on the basis that the , that the recommendations were acceptable would you be happy to proceed next time ?
20 He said he would be happy to quit next week ‘ if the right offer came and it was right for the club ’ .
21 Australians Mark Lemon and Dave Cheshire have been slow to recapture last season 's form but hope to hit fresh form .
22 Only last month the French navy intercepted and seized another Greenpeace ship which tried to land to establish a ‘ peace camp ’ on the main test island of Mururoa atoll , where more tests were due to begin next month .
23 Talks between the two communities were due to begin next month but Mr Clerides has said he intends to seek a postponement .
24 These were followed or interspersed by a windswept Starmer-Smith standing on the touchline , microphone in hand , sporting a selection from his extensive wardrobe of scarves and neckties , and promising delights which were sure to come next week but which had unaccountably failed to materialise this week .
25 The British troops were powerless to stop last night 's shootings after the convoy was held up near the Bosnian town of Novi Travnik by a crowd of women and children .
26 Marching in fierce summer heat and unrelentingly harassed by Muslim mounted archers , the army was forced to halt at Hattin , in a waterless region , in the hope of being able to continue next day .
27 If anything , TV should enhance the value of those unspoken moments so rendingly charted in this production , and it will preserve three near-definitive performances which too few people were able to see last year either at Stratford or the Young Vic : operate singer White 's sweet-faced Moor , shiningly simple acting about which many London critics were unduly patronising ; McKellen 's sweaty and furious Iago ; and Zoe Wanamaker 's unforgettable Emilia , a belated voice of conscience and wisdom in a household destroyed by passion .
28 The seven-plus immediately came under renewed fire after the results showed just a slight improvement in spelling , reading and maths and a 12 per cent drop in writing skills since the tests were first held last year .
29 The team Forest were obliged to field last night , because of injuries , were tailor-made for a game Luton simply had to win .
30 Sir David , who piloted Rolls-Royce Motors back to success after the ‘ 71 crash and who is due to retire next month , says : ‘ It depends how we do it — there are so many ways of developing a new Rolls-Royce .
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