Example sentences of "be [adj] [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Peter Wood relinquished the Chairmanship of RBIC , and RBIS , to Chris Pearson , Director of Private and Offshore Banking and Director , South of England in October 1992 when the rapid growth of Direct Line made greater demands on Peter 's time ; Norman , who had been due to retire at that time , was asked to stay on for two years to see the restructuring process completed .
2 For various reasons , it has not been possible to arrange for this sub-committee to meet .
3 An impressive set of performances , then , though at a total playing time of less than 57 minutes it should surely have been possible to fit in another item .
4 The views of many Conservative Members of Parliament are much more profound in their objection to certain trends in Europe than it has been possible to encapsulate in any short Motion .
5 Rifts persistently occur within the human race , and one important cause could well be found in the tendency of human beings to group themselves together and rally around a particular banner for no other reason than to be able to identify another group as an ‘ enemy ’ upon whom can be laid the blame for hardship and misery suffered ; suffering which it has not been possible to attribute to any obvious cause .
6 Melts that had frozen within this subconscious lithosphere would enrich it in the same elements that are enriched in the crust , so it has not been possible to distinguish between these theories .
7 Chapter 10 explained that although the four macroeconomic objectives listed earlier are each related in some manner to the level of demand , the relationship is by no means uniform or in the same direction .
8 In other words , so far as I am concerned , unless and until we are prepared to deal with this demonstrated cause of inflation and want to do so , we are wasting our time ; and as soon as we want to do so , there is no reason to suppose that there will be any problem or therefore any reason for an incomes policy as defined .
9 We are therefore looking to YOU — Perhaps you are prepared to help in some way ? ? ?
10 Disintermediation may still occur as customers turn to institutions such as finance houses which , by specializing in longer-term loans , are prepared to operate with less liquidity .
11 Posterity stretches ahead without limit whereas disc and tape manufacturers , when they are prepared to commit at all , are reluctant to do so for more than a few years .
12 Reflecting on this , one issue for all churches desiring to grow is whether they are prepared to bring through such people into leadership .
13 The courts now adopt a purposive approach which seeks to give effect to the true purpose of legislation and are prepared to look at much extraneous material that bears upon the background against which the legislation was enacted .
14 Finally , the effort required of readers is to some extent always dependent on the amount of energy they are prepared to expend in any given situation .
15 ‘ The cells are luxurious compared to some of the things we put up with in the Army , ’ said one staff member during a Press tour of the jail .
16 Basically , the shape of the bow is created from leaves , and in most cases the smaller leaves and component parts are easier to manipulate into these less natural designs .
17 Ball winners are easier to come across all you need is someone pretty fit , willing to tackle and with reasonable distribution skills : I ca n't name a likely or desirable replacement though .
18 It is also important to recognise that indirect costs of issue exist in terms of the final issue price being below what the market might have been willing to pay for all of the shares ( and hence the company receiving less funds than it might otherwise have done ) .
19 Obviously Devlin Parnham had been prepared to agree to any sort of conditions to get the count to accept this mission .
20 They are wrong to hope for this .
21 You are free to cancel at any time .
22 Mr Strouthos can offer hope to the empty souls and draw his magic circle of exclusion where he wants and the rest of us are free to disbelieve in any or all of his wares .
23 It gives counsellees ‘ permission ’ to talk about difficult areas , and indicates that we are willing to listen to all the emotion that they may harbour , but which they felt no-one else wished to know about .
24 If the policy makers are willing to learn from some of the mistakes made in industry , where hasty changes were made which led to a dramatic brain drain subsequently , the unpalatable adjustments that will need to be made in London should create less harm than will otherwise be the case .
25 Anglican polemicists had promised that they would allow the Dissenters some degree of toleration , if they helped them protect the Church of England from the Catholic onslaught , whilst the bishops in their petition affirmed that they did not act " from any want of due tenderness to Dissenters , in relation to whom they are willing to come to such a temper as shall be thought fit , when the matter shall be considered and settled in Parliament and Convention " .
26 The function includes part of the competitive labour supply function , i.e. that segment of L s above and to the right of point B , but renders inoperative the remaining part , i.e. that segment of L s below and to the left of point B. Workers who are willing to work at less than the wage stipulated by trades unions ( w 1 in Figure 5.1 ) will be excluded from active participation in the labour market for as long as these powerful combinations maintain their stranglehold as monopoly suppliers of labour .
27 However , he knows that several countries , including Britain , are willing to help in that process .
28 It is envisaged that , if the Friends are willing to help in this way , properly trained volunteers , who would have to be members of the Friends organisation and who would have their approval , could help with special events and special projects , where existing staff do not have sufficient time to carry out the work .
29 But I am prepared to play in any position the manager might ask me . ’
30 I am prepared to pay for such information and pay well .
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