Example sentences of "be [verb] her [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She is going about her business , while he is writing about her to the world , and we are seeing her through his eyes .
2 Unless you 're charging her with something .
3 Roman had been holding her in his arms and she had n't been fighting — no wonder Dana was furious .
4 That 's why I 'm keeping her with me . ’
5 ‘ That 's why I 'm keeping her at my place for the moment . ’
6 ‘ I 'm leaving her in your care , ma'am , ’ he said .
7 " Since you do not want the maiden , I am taking her for myself , gracious princess ! " he called .
8 She was staring at herself in the mirror in the curtained dressing-room , wondering what a certain gentleman might do and say if he were to see her in it , when she became aware of hushed voices in the salon outside .
9 ‘ I have n't worked it out in detail , ’ Melissa admitted , ‘ but I was thinking about it while you were putting her through your puff-and-blow routine … ’
10 Such a touching story , Miss Sally-Anne Tunstall — ’ and he spoke her name as though he were striking her with it ‘ — and all a lie .
11 She backed away , appalled such details should have been passed around so soon , and that people were confronting her with them .
12 That 's stopped her in her tracks did n't it ?
13 She may wish you to accompany her to his office or to be present if he is to visit her in her home , and he will be pleased to have your co-operation .
14 ‘ Do you know that when , in her desperation , such a woman turns to the parish for relief , the first act of the authorities is to part her from her child ?
15 He 's punishing her for her beauty and what he thought of as her wickedness . ’
16 I ca n't understand why Roman Wyatt has turned his attentions to Dana , and I do n't like the way he 's stolen her from us . ’
17 ‘ Of course — but unfortunately overlooked , ’ he replied straight away , and as it came to her that he must have been teasing her with his earlier attitude , he was asking , ‘ Now , can I get you a glass of wine ? ’
18 Leaving Alexandra at her door , unkissed , untouched , was one of the hardest things he had ever done , especially when what he had really wanted to do was to carry her into her bedroom — or his — and make love to her .
19 Gradually she came to realize that it was reminding her of her father — her father and the allotment .
20 Suddenly , he was gathering her against him , as though he would lift her up into his arms and carry her off .
21 Once again he sounded as if he was accusing her of something .
22 All at once , in one quick movement , he 'd taken hold of her hand and , rising to his feet , was drawing her with him .
23 He was drawing her into them .
24 And suddenly , instead of turning her away from him — he was drawing her towards him .
25 To Sophie , the atmosphere of the zoo was absorbing , but what pleased her most was the way in which Robert was including her in what he had to do .
26 ‘ That 's only natural , ’ Harvey said , wondering why he was bringing her into it .
27 She gave a little whimper of denial , her flat fists pushing against his chest , but he had moved his hand behind her head and was pressing her against him , forcing her lips apart so that he could savage her mouth with his tongue .
28 She finished eating , hoping she could elude Roman and get to Dana 's hotel without him , but as soon as she put her cup down he was urging her to her feet .
29 Two of them made her feel , not old exactly , but as if life was passing her by They were the one from Joanne that said , " You 've reached a quarter century " and the one from Stephen , " My dearest wife " .
30 ‘ I was bouncing her on my knee ’
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