Example sentences of "be [verb] only to a " in BNC.

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1 Under the English Bill of Lading Act of 1855 , the rights under the contract of affreightment are transferred only to a person ‘ to whom the property in the goods passes upon or by reason of endorsement . ’
2 By the same token , back payments of income support were to be limited only to a three-year period starting in April 1988 .
3 To be accurate , ‘ private press ’ should be applied only to a press where the owner 's or operator 's chief objective is to print a fine book , without being at the mercy of a publisher 's instructions and a first necessity to show a profit , even though he may sell his wares through commercial channels .
4 John Carter , on the other hand , concluded that ‘ as generally understood , the term private press would be applied only to a shop where the work was hand-set and hand-printed ’ .
5 Although there is some laxity in the use of the term , ‘ broadside ’ or ‘ broadsheet ’ should properly be applied only to a complete , undivided large sheet , printed on one side .
6 But that can be granted only to a refugee who is seeking asylum on the ground that the Government might have administered a case improperly and not followed its own rules for processing refugees under a United Nations Convention .
7 The changes in exports and imports of manufactures , for example , can not be attributed only to a failure , or in some cases success , of British managers and workers ; and the rise in ( portfolio ) investment overseas by UK banks and finance houses is not explicable in terms of the propensities of British bankers or the character of the UK banking system alone .
8 It should be clear that such a restoration is not to be undertaken lightly , and it should be entrusted only to a skilled professional .
9 Formulations of definitive tests are always dangerous , but it seems to me that , without claiming to expound an exhaustive guide , the following provides a satisfactory working test for whether , in any given case , a covenant touches and concerns the land : ( 1 ) the covenant benefits only the reversioner for the time being , and if separated from the reversion ceases to be of benefit to the covenantee ; ( 2 ) the covenant affects the nature , quality , mode of user or value of the land of the reversioner ; ( 3 ) the covenant is not expressed to be personal ( that is to say neither being given only to a specific reversioner nor in respect of the obligations only of a specific tenant ) ; ( 4 ) the fact that a covenant is to pay a sum of money will not prevent it from touching and concerning the land so long as the three foregoing conditions are satisfied and the covenant is connected with something to be done on , or to in relation to the land .
10 ‘ The contents were known only to a small team of journalists who worked off-site on the project .
11 It ‘ is the most difficult form of communication to learn , though since it is used only to a very limited extent , the skill is not essential to the handling of horses ’ .
12 The real identity of Superbarrio is known only to a few .
13 The prime victim , however , is the convenience supermarket meal which is cooked only to a certain temperature at processing stage , then chilled , transported and briefly heated before eating .
14 Unfortunately , people can die before they reach retirement and some of their spouses may have a rude shock when they discover that instead of receiving a huge pension fund , they are entitled only to a return of the premiums .
15 It was happening only to a minority .
16 I have concluded that either a ) the database was saved only to a floppy disk and taken away by your student , or b ) it was a WORKS database and was irretrievably lost when my hard disk crashed last year .
17 When John Howard died , ‘ Texas ’ was known only to a small number of Mexicans , American Indians and the occasional settler who had been thrown out of , or wandered away from , the established ‘ colonies ’ to the north and east .
18 In fact the people 's committees were a genuinely spontaneous growth in which communist agitation was involved only to a minor extent .
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