Example sentences of "be [verb] to the end " in BNC.

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1 It can be estimated from this experiment that at least 100 to 150 bp of DNA have been added to the ends of the linear plasmid .
2 You can pack it up , but you can still see the front so you know how near you 're getting to the end of your job .
3 ‘ We 're coming to the end of the millennium .
4 You and the management will agree that you 're coming to the end of that assignment and you get you get a new one .
5 You literally get a phone call to say er we 're coming to the end of this assignment here 's your next one .
6 ‘ Self-determination is the right of all people in the world , including Germans , but it only makes sense when one does not lose sight of the concerns of others … we are coming to the end of a century which has seen the special responsibility of Germans for some terrible things . ’
7 The majority of Tom Troubadour 's opponents are coming to the end of much busier campaigns , and the novice Merry Master may prove the main threat .
8 The students are coming to the end of their additional assessments now : they 've been working on their projects since December .
9 Open prisons like Leyhill house offenders who are coming to the end of their sentences .
10 11.57 / 3 Now some of the trees he planted are coming to the end of their natural life and the present Duke of Marlborough has begun a restoration programme to replace them and keep the landscape gardens they were originally laid-out .
11 The majority of our buildings were built in the 60s and 70s and many of these installations are coming to the end of their life , ’ said Mr Eyton-Jones .
12 I shall not take any more interventions , as I am coming to the end of my speech and many hon. Members wish to speak .
13 The House will be relieved to hear that I am coming to the end of my list of telephone calls .
14 A Royal Ulster Constabulary spokesman said : ‘ Although he may have been coming to the end of his racing career , he was potentially valuable for stud purposes . ’
15 The origins of an organised market in the debt of the government can be traced to the end of the seventeenth century and during the following hundred years the growth of the Stock Exchange itself was closely bound up with the growth of government debt .
16 ‘ Our view is the recovery will probably now be delayed to the end of 1991 . ’
17 Complaints that British ships by comparison with those of France were too small , sailed badly and were encumbered by too many guns , continued to be heard to the end of the century and afterwards ; while French prizes were frequently used as models for the design of new British men-of-war .
18 Move the cursor onto the very first letter of the paragraph which is to be joined to the end of the paragraph above it .
19 An SSR can refer to as many modules as required , although additional modules can only be added to the end of the list .
20 Similarly when adding new roles , they should be added to the end of the list or to an empty slot .
21 A full analysis of the situation will be postponed to the end of this chapter , but it seems worth noting that recently the Tyne shipped its largest ever cargo — an export load of scrap .
22 Where this is provided for ( Clause 18.02 ) the exact date of retirement may be tied to the end of the firm 's accounting year for administrative convenience .
23 Cuba 's resistance to the subsequent 30-year US blockade , he stressed , had " saved the honour of Latin America " and " saved the honour of socialism which will be defended to the end " .
24 disappointing an and frustrating th that this type of thing is happening , I 'm pleased I 'm coming to the end of me service because the time will come when somebody 's got to speak out , and I think the time has or come when at I can speak out , damn the consequences .
25 , but if I do n't do it at half term it would be left to the end .
26 The joint bracket can now be fitted to the end of the length in the same way and screwed in place .
27 Announcing that Scottish companies and local authorities had raised more than £230,000 , George Hunter , the Games Council secretary , said that this would allow the time limit for achieving qualifying standards to be extended to the end of December .
28 Following talks in Moscow on Sept. 9-10 representatives from member nations of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance ( CMEA or COMECON ) failed to agree on the division of assets by Sept. 28 as scheduled [ see p. 38315 ] ; however , it was agreed in early October that this deadline should be extended to the end of November .
29 Several universities and institutions of higher education have departments of local history in which the subject may be studied to the end of achieving a recognised qualification , and hence have well-stocked reference libraries .
30 Because kung fu is primarily concerned with hand techniques , blocks and parries , the kicking aspects of the art are left to the end of the basic training period .
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