Example sentences of "be [verb] to [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 A number of instruments have been developed to measure the functioning of elders .
2 Similarly , for any group of items which are intended to measure the same aspect of linguistic functioning , there will be a range of scores for children of a similar age ( see Figure 8.1 ) .
3 In those who have been exposed to infection the entire penis is scrubbed with liquid soap and water for several minutes , and then washed with mercuric perchloride lotion 1:2000 .
4 There are several devices on the market which are designed to measure the pitch angle with varying degrees of accuracy but , like everything else , the good ones are expensive .
5 A lot of importance should be attached to looking at what sources of information are needed to measure the social and economic performance of the development agencies .
6 What new sources of information are needed to measure the social and economic performance of the development agencies ?
7 It has , today , been adapted to measure the effectiveness of operational research .
8 Where any difference is by this condition to be referred to arbitration the making of an award shall be a condition precedent to any right of action against the Corporation .
9 Where any difference is by this condition to be referred to arbitration the making of an award shall be a condition precedent to any right of action against the Corporation .
10 Proceeds from the game will be given to charity The game is to be at the end of August at Northallerton 's ground on a date to be arranged Former players from the 60s to the present day are asked to contact John Murdoch ( 0609771139 ) or David Thorne ( 0609779465 )
11 a person commits an offence if , for payment or not , he knowingly exposes or delivers to another person who has not consented to receive it any item which , on the ground that matter contained or embodied in it — ( a ) is concerned with human or animal sexuality , or ( b ) depicts violence or cruelty , or ( c ) is gruesome or disgusting , may , if taken as a whole , be expected to outrage the majority of persons who are likely , having regard to all relevant circumstances , to read , see or hear it .
12 Resource commitment ( for instance , upon what basis should advertising and sales promotion budgets be constructed : or over what time scale should new products be expected to pay-back the Research and Development costs incurred in their development ? )
13 PW rejects the suggestion that the auditors should be expected to under-write the company against any
14 Different indices represent the ingenuity with which the theoretical constructs can be made to produce satisfactory elaborations that result in different indices and , equally important , the extent to which different indices can , plausibly , be said to measure the same concept .
15 This type of book may be said to ante-date the classical detective story , which we have called the template or original of most crime fiction .
16 Any system that measures direct current or potential difference can be adapted to measure the corresponding alternating quantity by inserting a rectifying circuit in front of it .
17 Blood samples should be taken to measure the client 's electrolyte and urea levels as a matter of routine .
18 ‘ Had the centre not been there to keep an eye on me , I would have probably been admitted to hospital the previous week and kept in . ’
19 Forty cases of illegal logging have been brought to court in the last three years , but the loophole in the regulations makes it difficult to prove charges , so a technique is being developed to date the year of felling , using tree rings .
20 Its president , Charles Gray , said there was no justification for removing regulatory functions from district and island councils which were committed to tightening-up the control regime .
21 Analysis of variance and the Newman-Keuls procedure were applied to measure the statistical significance of means from different diagnostic categories .
22 Arrangements are also being made to copyright the handbook and include it on the ‘ Barbour Index ’ which will result in the four publishing organisations receiving royalties .
23 Attempts were made to measure the relative contribution to the overall metabolism of mucosa , lamina propria , and muscularis layers .
24 At that time few attempts were made to measure the effectiveness of such activity , and advertising agencies tended to branch out into sales promotions with the aim of offering an all-inclusive package to their clients in an attempt to combat competition from the emerging sales promotion agencies .
25 The 500ft Demetrius was driven ashore and broke its back on the rocks in a Force 11 gale as it was being towed to port the week before Christmas .
26 Today they were going to replaster the house : not just the floor , which they did regularly when it became cracked and dusty , or on special occasions , such as when the house had been polluted by childbirth or death .
27 Today they were going to replaster the whole house : floors , ceilings , walls — inside and out .
28 The house of Neill & Co. had patented their own , and since this was one of the offices that most whole-heartedly recruited women , a number of the women compositors at Neill 's in the 1870s were set to work the machines .
29 After being entertained to food the bride 's kin departed .
30 And most of you are probably aware that last year the the company tried to renege on their P L C P L C status and buy out existing shareholders erm and the furore surrounding that erm the price that they were trying to repurchase the shares from the existing shareholders er caused a lot of discontentment er surrounding that scenario .
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